Chapter Twelve

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Me: *gets an AMAZING idea* GUYS! It's time!

Ace: Time for what, curly?

Me: To have Suzy and Eric Carr's wedding of course!

Suzy: *gasps and then began to cry tears of joy* Yesss...our marriage is about to come true!

Eric Carr: *is in his animal form, wagging his fluffy fox tail excitedly, panting heavily with happiness*

Vixen91: *had just come back from the beach* Great idea Emily!

Eli: But what kind of wedding do they want to have?

Suzy: Well...I actually don't know to be honest. What about you, Little Caesar?

(*The fox looks up Suzy, tilting his head to the side in curiosity*)

(*A little long than a few minutes later...*)

(*Everyone looks up and they see The Ankh Warrior and his mate Emily, who was in her cat form and she was playfully with Vinnie's hair while the Ankh Warrior was holding her in his arms*)

Vinnie: *laughs* Emily, stop it. You're gonna mess up my hair!

Me: *meows and then gently nibbles on Vinnie's earlobe*

Vinnie: H-hey! No NO no. *puts me down on the floor and I wander off to find something else fun to do*

Me: *steals Paul's hairbrush and runs away with it*

Paul: What the...? EMILY! No! 😱

(*Everyone else laughs as the Starchild chases Emily while she's in her cat form*)

Vixen91: *giggles*

Me: *jumps up on the kitchen counter and then tries to climb up to the top of the refrigerator, but Peter gently grabs ahold of me before I could do so*

Peter: I gotcha...*holds me in his arms, taking the hairbrush out of my mouth before  putting me back down on the floor*

Paul: *takes his hairbrush from the first Catman* Thank you Peter. 😐

Me: *jumps up in Vinnie's lap and purrs when he strokes my fur*

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