Chapter Seventeen

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Me: Where is KellerSinger18? She's supposed to be with us.

Eli: I'll text Petey-Bear and tell him to let her know.

Me: Good idea Eli! 😃

(*Meanwhile, at the spare building...*)

(*All the Kiss guys are wearing their Kiss makeup*)

Peter: Huh? *hears a sound coming from his cellphone* Oh! It's from my wife.

To Peter
From Eli:

Tell KellerSinger18 to come to the wedding, she can't see the groom before the bride gets to before the wedding.

Peter: *texts back* Okay. Um...Guys? Eli texted me and she said that KellerSinger18 has to be at the wedding before we do.

KellerSinger18: Sorry Eric. I have to be with the girls. *kisses Eric Singer on the cheek*

Eric Singer: I'll see you there. *blows KellerSinger18 a kiss*

Ace: I'll teleport ya there! *points his thumb backwards and KellerSinger18 teleports to the wedding*

Paul: *is making his hair is extra sexy while looking at a mirror* Thanks Ace!

Ace: No problem, curly!

(*One hour later...*)

Paul: Alright people, now listen! We've got a wedding to attend!

(*All the other KISS guys whoop with joy*)

Michael Jackson: I'm ready if you guys are.

(*Michael Jackson and the nine KISS guys get into the KISS limo and the head out to the wedding*)

Eric Carr: *walks to the front of the aisle where a preacher is waiting* Does my Fox makeup look alright Gene?

Eric Carr: *walks to the front of the aisle where a preacher is waiting* Does my Fox makeup look alright Gene?

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Gene: *laughs* Yes, Eric. You look like a real prince from a fairytale land.

Eric Carr: *blushes and laughs shyly* Gene! Not funny!

(*Everyone else laughs as they all sit down in their seats*)

Michael Jackson: *giggles*

Ace: Hey! The wedding music is startin'!

(*Everyone watches as Emily, Eli, Vixen91, and KellerSinger18 walk down the aisle, and then they stand to the side*)

Paul: *whispers with tears of joy in his eyes* I remember like it was yesterday when we filmed the music video for this song.

Gene: *grins* *whispers* Yeah...Eric Carr did really well, didn't he?

Bruce Kulick: *whispers and smiles* Yes. Definitely.

Vinnie: *carefully wipes a tear of happiness from the corner of his eyes* My Emily looks so beautiful. I can't stop staring at her.

Ace: *chuckles*

Tommy: comes the bride.

(*Everyone stands up and they watch as Suzy began walking down the aisle wearing her wedding dress*)

Eric Carr: *has that "OMG what a woman" look on his face as his bride Suzy walks up to him while smiling*

Michael Jackson: *giggles quietly at the Fox's facial expression*

(*After the song "Forever" by the Kiss is done playing, the preacher began to speak*)

Preacher: Friends, Family, critters of all kind. We are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Mr. Eric Carr and Mrs. Suzy Carr. Their love for each other is undeniable, their courage and happiness, will never disappear. May the Lord bless you, and forever we shall look forward to witnessing the wonderful joy they have all brought together for the band Kiss, the KISS Army, and the fans.

Me: *chuckles quietly*

Vixen91: *giggles*

Eli: *giggles*

Preacher: May we have the rings please?

(*Cinnamon, the host's tortishell cat, brings the pillow where the wedding rings of the bride and groom lay upon*)

Michael Jackson: *whispers to Vinnie* Aww. Isn't that sweet?

Vinnie: *chuckles quietly* Yeah, it is.

(*Eric Carr puts the ring on Suzy's finger, and then picks up a church cup of grape juice, holding it up for the audience to see*)

Suzy: *puts the ring on Eric Carr's finger*

Eric Carr: With this hand, I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty. For I will be your wine. *pours the grape juice into the cup and then gently tips over Suzy's lips*

Suzy: *smiles after drinking the grape juice* With this hand. I will light your way in darkness. With this ring. I ask you to be mine.

Preacher: I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.

(*Eric Carr lifts the veil up from Suzy's wedding dress, and together, they both kiss passionately*)

(*Everyone whoops for joy and claps their hands in applause*)

Me: YAAAAY! Whoo!

Cinnamon (My cat): *meows as she chases the black and orange roses that are being thrown in the air*)

Eli: Now, this was a great wedding.

Vixen91: Yes it was.

KellerSinger18: I loved every second of it.

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