Chapter Twenty

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(*The next day...*)

(*6:00 am*)

(*Vinnie and Emily decided to wake up early before everyone to watch the sunrise*)

Me: *my phone beeps* Hey! Michael Jackson is callin' me!

(*I tap the answer button on the screen*)

Vinnie: *puts his finger to his mouth* Sssh...everyone is still sleeping, Babe

Me: Hi Michael!

(*Michael Jackson is on Facetime*)

Michael Jackson: Good morning, sunshine! Did you guys have fun last night?

Vinnie: We sure did. Eric Carr and Suzy sure are happy to be husband and wife.

Me: What are you doing up so early Michael?

Michael Jackson: I have to take my children to school, they're eating breakfast in the kitchen. Say hello guys!

(*Michael Jackson walks over to the kitchen table and he shows his phone to his children so their faces can be seen on the screen*)

Paris: Hi Emily!

Blanket: Ankhle Vinnie!

Prince: Morning!

Me: Hey guys! I see that y'all are almost ready for school.

Paris: *laughs out loud* No Emily! We can't go to school in our pajamas!

Michael Jackson: I thought today was Pajama Day at school today?

Prince: Oh yeah. I almost forgot.

Michael Jackson: Well, all three of you still need to brush your teeth and wash your face before we go anywhere. And then, I'm going to do your hair Paris.

Paris: Can I have my hair in two braids, Daddy?

Michael Jackson: *giggles* Sure! I can put your hair in braids.

Prince: Daddy! I think we need to finish getting ready for school.

(*Michael Jackson looks at the grandfather clock and sees that it is almost 6:15 am*)

Michael Jackson: Oh my goodness, I still need to get the kids ready. I'll talk to you later, Emily!

Me: Okay! Bye bye Michael! *blows Michael Jackson a kiss*

(*The host ends the FaceTime call*)

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