Chapter Eleven

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Me: Let's prank Gene!

Vinnie: Okay, but how should we prank him?

Me: Hmm...🤔

Suzy: I know! Let's replace the money in his wallet with fake play money!

Vinnie: *laughs* That's a good one.

Me: Let's do it....😈

(*The Ankh Warrior and Suzy sneak into the Demon's bedroom and they look for his wallet*

Me: Now, where does the ole' Demon keep his money?

Vinnie: I heard that he has lots of it stored in a secret compartment.

Suzy: But we're not replacing ALL the money he's made from Kiss, we're only replacing the money in his wallet.

Me: *jumps into a pile of Kiss merchandise, which was Kiss action figures, Kiss pillows, Kiss vintage lunch boxes, and even Kiss makeup kits that fans use to make themselves look like their favorite band members, making a mess in the process*

Vinnie: *whispers * Ssssh, babe! You're gonna get us caught.

Suzy: Is this his wallet?

Me: Yep! That's it. You got the fake money Vinnie?

Vinnie: Mhmm...right here. *pulls out a bunch of fake money from his pants pocket*

Suzy: I'll take his real money and hide it underneath the bed. *hides Gene's real money underneath his bed*

Me: And I'll put the fake money in his wallet!

(*After Suzy, Emily, and the Ankh Warrior did the prank, the three of them decided to watch a movie on Netflix in the Egyptian bedroom.*)

Me: Let's hope that Gene doesn't go bananas when he finds out...

Vinnie: *laughs at what Emily just said*

Suzy: If he losses his temper on me, Eric Carr will protect me.

Vinnie: *wraps his arm around my shoulder* And I'll do the same to you, babe.

Me: *blushes* Aww! Vinnie! 🤗

(*Two hours later...*)

(*The present day Kiss guys are shopping for the things that they'll need to go back on the End Of The Road tour*)

(*At JC Penny's...*)

Paul: These black leather pants will look amazing on me.

Eric Singer: Yeah, and I can't wait to try on my new sun hat.

Tommy: These new shades will look good on me. And my spacequeen might enjoy seeing me wear them out in public.

Gene: *is putting everything they bought on the check out-counter.

Woman at the cashier: Sir, I don't think that is real cash in your wallet.

Gene: Huh? *takes out a few dollar bills* *mumbles* Oh shit...

Paul: What is it Gene?

Gene: My money that I had in my wallet, it's been stolen.

Eric Singer: Wait a minute...this money is fake. 😲

Tommy: He's right. They're not real. 😦

Gene: This not good.

Paul: I'll pay for it, guys, don't worry.

Gene: Thanks Paul.

Woman at the cashier: *smiles* That'll be $104.35.

Paul: *takes out his credit card*

(*Once the present day Kiss guys loaded everything they bought into the KISS-mobile, they drove straight back to the spare building*)

(*Gene Simmons goes to his bedroom and it's a mess*)


Ace: *teleports into Gene's room, along with Peter, Eli, and Vixen91*

Ace: Damn, your room looks like a tornado that just blew everything around in here.

Eli: I will find out.

Peter: *looks around and then sees something familar underneath Gene's bed* Hey guys, I think I found his money.

Gene: *looks underneath his bed* Oh thank god. *grabs his real money and puts it back in his wallet, throwing away all the fake money into a nearby trashcan*

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