Chapter Sixteen

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(*All the KISS guys were at the spare building, waiting for the right time to leave for Suzy and Eric Carr's wedding*)

(*Suzy was very excited and the girls were at the wedding making the finishing touches to her wedding outfit*)

(*The wedding ceremony was taking place at an Italian country-side and the wedding was taking place somewhere beautiful*)

(*All the decorations, food, drinks, tables, chairs, and everything else were finally set up*)

Eric Carr: Oooh, I'm so excited. Eric is going to marry Suzy, my sweet little vixen.

Vinnie: *laughs* Eric, don't move around too much or you're gonna start sweating and that might ruin your Kiss Fox makeup.

(*A few minutes later, Michael Jackson arrives at the spare building, along with KellerSinger18, who had needed a ride to the wedding*)

Michael Jackson: I'll take you home after the wedding. It's no problem at all.

KellerSinger18: Aw! Thanks Michael.

(*Michael Jackson and KellerSinger18 walk into the spare building*)

Paul: Hey! Look who's here!

KellerSinger18: Hi guys.

Eric Singer: *meows and then rushes over to KellerSinger18* Hello my prrrrtettty kitty.

KellerSinger18: *blushes* Hi Eric!

(*Eric Singer and KellerSinger18 both nuzzle each other*)

Gene: *runs out of the dressing room to find the second CatMan* Eric! Get back here, you're not done putting on your Kiss makeup yet.

Eric Singer: *hisses when Gene tries to get closer to him and KellerSinger18*

Tommy: Come on, buddy. KellerSinger18 can sit with you if she wants.

KellerSinger18: *giggles when Eric Singer licks her cheek* I would love that very much.

(*Meanwhile, with the bride and the girls...*)

Suzy: I love my wedding dress!

Me: Yeah! It makes you look beautiful.

Eli: Eric Carr will be over the moon when he sees you walk down the aisle.

Suzy: *blushes, then giggles* Yes he will!

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