Chapter Thirteen

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Me: Okay everybody! We need to get everything ready for Suzy and the Fox's wedding.

Paul: Gene and I already ordered the cake so we'll go and get it whenever the bakery guy calls to let us know it's ready.

Suzy: Mmm-Mmm! 😋 A black and orange colored chocolate cake with salted caramel filling and chocolate buttercream.

Eric Carr: *licks his lips hungrily*

Vinnie: I'm making a big plate of spaghetti because Emily loves it whenever I make spaghetti for dinner. And the fact that it's also Italian food.

Ace: *gets an idea* Let's get some pizza for the wedding too!

Me: Papa John's here we come! We'll have five or ten boxes of pizzas that has every kind of of topping.

(*Everyone whoops for joy and claps their hands in applause*)

Me: Okay, Vixen91, Eli, Suzy, and I already have made the invitations and they've been sent to whoever wants to come. Does anyone else have anymore requests for the food?

Paul: I have my own recipe for this broccoli dish that me and family love to eat.

Me: Okay! *writes down what Paul's dish is on the list* Anything else?

Bruce: What about the more healthier options if someone wants to have it? Like cheese cubes, crackers, ranch dipping, etc? Or maybe chips and dip?

Me: CHIPS AND DIP?! 😱 Oh yeah! That's a good idea! 🤗 *writes down Bruce's idea*

Vixen91: Okay, now that we've got all the food picked out, what drinks are we having?

Me: Hmm...🤔

Vinnie: Water.

Paul: Maybe soft drinks like Diet Dr. Pepper, Coke, Coke Zero...

Gene: And no alcohol or wine.

Peter: How about fruit smoothies?

Me: Oooh! Interest. *writes down fruit smoothies on the list*

Ace: And maybe...Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Diet Coke, Diet Pepsi Wild Cherry...

Me: Okay! I think that's enough. Let's get all the food and drink catered over to the place where the wedding ceremony is taking place. The girls and I will finish putting all the decorations at the church.

Everyone: Okay!

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