chapter 13

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Brook had returned to his body and was filled in, they finally knew where their captain was. And he was alive, that was more than enough, now it was even more of a race for time to make it to their captain. Nami, Brook and Robin braced themselves, preparing to face the several world government employees that guarded the celestial dragons gate and from there would be the fastest run of their lives.

They all looked at one another, more than enough of a signal to begin their attack. Nami began, releasing a flurry of weather eggs, as they cracked, the sky above the celestial dragons gate stirred with wicked, thunderous clouds. Nami didn't allow time to react, directing lighting at the guards, two instantly went down.

Robin and Brook were quick to have her back, as they dispatched the leftovers. Brook sliced them before they were even aware of his presence and Robin had swiftly and mercilessly put them down. as they passed the wall Nami quickly created a mirage to encompass the wall, making it look undisrupted and guarded just as it had been before.

It wouldn't last long but it would buy them more time, which they needed more than anything right now. Their captain had been in the clutches of the celestial dragons for 9 days, due to a necessary stop for supplies and added time onto an originally 4 day trip for the sake of avoiding marines.

This had meant that Luffy had suffered continuously for 8 days when normally he should've been executed immediately for his 'indiscretions.' Nami had been able to cut some time off their trip with her skills, but never less they still took far too long. It took 4 days to reach Mariejois from their location and with Luffy's 3 day lead on the crew he had arrived only a day after Nami had awakened.

She just hoped beyond hope that he was still alive despite the 9 days that he undoubtedly suffered through.


Zoro hated to admit it but he didn't think they could keep this up for very long, it had been just over an hour now and they had sunk over 50 warships. He wasn't tired or anything but even so, he didn't think the groaning sound coming from the rudder was a good sign. With just Sanji and himself fending off attacks it was hard for the thousand sunny to cope with the onslaught of cannon fire.

They had sustained a moderate amount of damage across the ship, not enough to be worrying but Zoro knew that wouldn't be true for long. So far they hadn't been faced with anyone above captain rank which normally would frustrate Zoro, facing mountains of weaklings was never fun and he considered it more of a chore than a fight. But taking into account that their current battle was to distract, a battle of attrition while fighting these weaklings was better than an all out onslaught of attack by marine admirals.

If that were to occur, it would be the worst case scenario and they wouldn't be able to avoid damage to ship and crew. But at this current level they could probably keep this up for a few hours, if Franky's assessment of the rudder was to be trusted.


Robin lead the way as they bounded through the Domain of the God's, they avoided the sight of surveillance snails as they dodged through various estates. The look on Robin's face was usually calm and collected but she looked paler ever since she had spotted Luffy, for the first time she looked distracted. apparently enough to run right through the line of sight of a snail. she realised her mistake too late, stopping and staring at the animal. She gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, picking up her speed Robin encouraged them to follow her lead.

"There's no time to waste, they'll be here soon!" She informed, as they ran straight through a main street. They maneuvered through gaggles of shocked celestial dragons, their slaves watching them fly by with cold, uninterested eyes. The look in they gave made Nami shiver, yet again imagining the worst, she didn't think she would be able to handle it if Luffy looked at her like that. If those deep, dark orbs no longer held the childish wonder that had once called her to join his crew, Nami didn't think she would be able to stand again. She didn't think she would even want to.

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