Chapter 6

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It feels safe here it's so warm, like being wrapped in rays of sunlight. I want to stay here, where it smells like sea breeze and budding new life. Like power and kindness in equal measure, where everything seems possible and doubt doesn't exist. I want to stay with the owner of this realm forever.

The boat rocked with the force of the cannonballs striking the thousand Sunny's sides. The boat was surrounded by a dozen navy ships "We can't afford to stay here anymore, Franky load up a coup de burst!" Luffy yelled over the squealing sound of descending cannonballs.

"aye, aye captain!" he responded as he hurriedly told Usopp to load a new barrel of cola. Luffy went to launch himself into the air to block any more cannonballs from hitting the ship, only to be instantly blocked by Sanji.

"don't put my Nami swan in danger, stay put!" he said pointing to the grassy floor of the thousand sunny. Luffy sat, cross-legged and arms crossed, grumbling as he did.

"you didn't have to yell," he mumbled as Sanji propelled himself into the sky to kick cannonballs as if they were soccer balls filled with Helium.

Franky Sailed erratically in the ever closing circle the navy ships had created in the hopes of avoiding large barrages of cannonballs. Franky took tight turns, some that made the sunny groan in protest and would snap other ships like a twig, the crew that stood on deck was sent swaying from side to side, even with their experienced sea legs.

Crashing could be heard coming from under the deck that was followed by a cowardly scream, Usopp ran up on deck soaked in something that obviously wasn't sea water and was nearly thrown overboard by Franky's dicey sailing. he slammed into the side railing with a thud and managed to grab a hold and yell to Franky "it's a mess down there the cola barrels broke there's shit everywhere!"

Everyone was stumped for what to do but they continued to fight off aerial attacks, they watched as smaller navy boats were lowered into the water "they've made a barrier with the larger ships and are going to use more agile boats to try to board us" Robin explained as she made a net of hands to halt at least eight cannonballs.

"Well what do we do?!" Zoro yelled, grunting as he sliced and diced more of the not-so-friendly bowling balls.

"I don't know" she replied,

"without any fuel for a Coup de burst or a gaon cannon we can't make a path through and if we manage to make a path they will just close up the space made by moving in closer giving us even less breathing room and if we leave the ship to sink some of theirs we might incur some damage that will impede our escape" she explained

"We're in a pickle" Luffy said nonchalantly as he absentmindedly picked his nose and flicked the collected booger at Usopp where it stuck perfectly to the end of his long nose. Usopp raged at how disgusting it was as Luffy peeled Nami off of him, instant discomfort was on her face as he completely moved away from her. He began removing his cardigan and he placed it around Nami, he also removed his hat and placed it on her head.

Nami instantly breathed in the scent left on his cardigan and hat and calmed herself. Luffy gave a stern look to Usopp "watch her while I'm gone" he said gruffly as he stretched his arms up to the sail and rocketed himself into the sky before anyone could say a word. He landed on the ship that was directly in-front of the sunny and instantly started work, the ship was sinking within seconds soldiers could be seen jumping over board. Luffy jumped from ship to ship three had already been sent to the icy depths.


All was going well till a booming voice called out from the sunny "STRAW HAT LUFFY" Luffy looked back towards his ship and a large dark submarine bobbed in the water next to the sunny. All the smaller boats had been a distraction to allow that floating monstrosity to get to the sunny unnoticed.

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