chapter 29

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"Luffy I swear to all that is holy, if I have to pry your hand off my ass one more time..." Nami didn't even bother finishing her threat, she just levelled her boyfriend with the nastiest glare she could summon. It had been four days and she had become a little antsy with taking care of Luffy, he had been groggy in the first two days, Choppers care had him feeling better evidently.

She'd been by his side, helping soothe his burns and his boredom in recent hours. Luffy was chomping at the bit to get out of bed, and due to her and Chopper's continuous assistance they'd managed to prevent that so far. Therefore Luffy's boisterous energy had been directed to the thing that interested him most in the room, It just so happened that it was her.

She could barely leave the room lest Luffy ignore his body completely and come after her, he'd done so three times in the past two days. He would come up behind her and practically suction his front to her back, holding her close as he buries his face in her neck. He wouldn't say much, just her name repetitively, between soft kisses against her throat. It's not like it didn't make her heart race, but it was increasingly embarrassing to be felt up in front of their crewmates.

He was now strictly regulated to his room, and she was on guard duty. Apparently getting her butt grabbed every five minutes was apart of her job, she wasn't greatly opposed seeing as it entertained him and stopped him from jumping out of his bed. Though she had to be honest, all this one sided teasing was really starting to grate on her self control.


"Nami c'mon, I swear I won't move please just sit with me?" Luffy begged, watching as his orange haired lover pondered with her red face. He wouldn't be lying if he said she'd been the only reason why he'd managed to stay put so long, seeing that flustered look on her face never got old.

"Only if you promise to keep your hands to yourself," Nami ordered, schooling her face into the tough visage he so loved.

"I said I wouldn't move didn't I?" Luffy begged once more, reaching out with his hand only to wince in pain and pull back. He did play it up a bit, it wasn't all that painful with all Chopper's drugs doing their magic. However, Luffy knew that Nami knew he was exaggerating, that didn't stop her from taking her spot on the side of his bed.  She wouldn't say no to him, Luffy had discovered, and he had a feeling it was more for lack of desire to stop him than any actual inability.

Nami had never struggled to say no to him before, so he found it enjoyable that she actively chose to let him run amok on her. It was seemingly all for his entertainment, but he saw the look in her eyes, he'd caught it a few times over the past four days. She enjoyed it when he touched, when he teased, when he pulled his aching body out of bed to wrangle her back to his side. okay, admittedly she didn't like him getting out of bed, but her heart beat like a drum in her chest when he did it.

He liked seeing the subtle change in her, the way she reacted to him that she didn't with anyone else? Addictive. In every sense of the word, this woman commanded attention when she entered the room, and it was his will and pleasure to give her that attention.


Days passed and Luffy's injuries healed little by little, helped along by Choppers excellent care, Sanji's apology meals (He'd doubled Luffy's serving of meat with each one), And Nami's presence to keep his mind off things. He'd been allowed out of his bed on strict conditions after literally sleepwalking onto the deck, they decided if he was gonna leave the bed anyway, it may as well be supervised.

Currently Nami was feeding him to 'stave him off till lunch' as Sanji had put it. She had expected a little bit of tension between the two in the days after their fight, but so far it looked as though it had never happened, other than Sanji's slight niceties through Luffy's recovery. Luffy's head rested in her lap and she fed him from a cheeseboard Sanji had created. She popped some green grapes into Luffy's mouth before sipping on Champagne that had come along with it, of course only one glass for herself.

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