chapter 7

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Luffy jumped through the hatch of the submarine and was grabbed by three awaiting soldiers, all of them attempting a brave face. they brought him to a holding cell and Luffy offered no resistance as they clamped a sea stone collar around his throat. It was secured to the wall with a chain, they all skittered like rats out of his cell as he tested the strength of the collar around his neck, he found he couldn't fit his fingers between his throat and the ring of cold metal.

Luffy sat down cross legged in the centre of his cell and stared at the globe hung oppositely to it and listened to the people walking through the submarine, the buzzing of electricity and the sound of the sonar when Methias wordlessly blocked Luffy's view of the orb that had, had his attention for at least 2 minutes. Luffy was confused when he pulled a mini transponder snail from his pocket, crackling ensued then "LUFFY! you there?!" it was Zoro.

"yeah, did they let you out?" he asked as a smile made its way onto his face.

"yeah they let us through right after you entered the submarine" he answered and an urgent question immediately came to Luffy's mind.

"how's Nami" she's probably the only thing Luffy was worried about after leaving the ship. Luffy knew everyone could take care of themselves but right now Nami was vulnerable and not being by her made Luffy feel fidgety, especially after so many days in close company with her.

"she's fine" air wooshed from Luffy's lungs as he released a relieved sigh,

"we've wrapped her in your stuff and she seems okay" Luffy chuckled a bit knowing they would've gone overboard and wrapped her in everything he owned. Luffy could tell the call would end soon as Methias tapped his foot impatiently.

"take care of them while I'm gone, would you Zoro?" Luffy asked knowing he might not hear from them again for a while.

"Of course captain, we'll see you again soon," he said confidence filling his voice, Luffy smirked at the slight jab at Methias. What Zoro really meant was "we'll beat the shit of those navy dogs and get you back" and that gave Luffy courage, to stay strong till his crew came for him and beat up Methias for touching Nami, Luffy promised himself, he would make it back to her no matter what.

Before Methias hung up the whole crew screamed through the transponder snail "MAKE NO MISTAKE METHIAS, WE'LL COME BACK FOR OUR CAPTAIN AND SINK YOU WITH YOUR FLEET" Luffy laughed as their voices filled him with courage and then "Gachak" they were gone but their promise still echoed on the metal walls of the cell, Methias gritted his teeth, veins throbbing on his forehead.

"You heard em' Methy my stay is gonna be a short one" He laughed this time enough to make it awkward and for him to need to put his hand against the wall for stability.

"yes, you're correct, you won't be staying for long because soon you will be executed just like your fool of a brother" he said still trying to reign in his laughter. Luffy felt anger take root in his stomach, within an instant he was less than arms length from him. The collar made a clank and groan as it was stretched to its limits, Methias jumped back and genuine fear became clear in his eyes as if he were looking right down the maw of a sea king.

"Don't talk about Ace!" Luffy snapped his teeth as he tried, and failed, to squish his head through the bars. his eyes conveyed the brutality Methias would suffer should Luffy ever escape. Should Luffy ever get the chance to lay his hands on Methias' crisp, white uniform.
"Something is missing, it's not bright like before. Where is the light, where is it the one that protected this place? "

"protected me..."

"Has he forgotten me?"

"Has he forgotten this place?"

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