Chapter 2

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The massive wave had washed over the Straw hats with little damage to the sunny. The sky was still dark but the ocean had calmed, snow had begun to pile up on the deck.

Luffy let go of the guardrail and lifted his hat to his head "phew, that was one heck of a storm, you were right Nami," Luffy chuckled, while holding his hand out in an attempt to catch the little flakes of snow that descended from the dark sky. Luffy spun on his heel and prepared himself to shout at Sanji for food, when Choppers voice shouted in worry

"Nami, Nami can you hear me?!"


There was no response, her body was limp and her skin was pale. Luffy's breath caught in his throat, his heartbeat resounded in his ears. Luffy raced forward on unstable legs, he sat by her side, looking at Chopper who was frantic. The crew gathered around them, awe-struck and silent. 

The weather and his crew were quiet as if to magnify the fact that Nami wasn't breathing. "Chopper, help her," his voice was desperate yet direct, pushing the young doctor to regain his composure. Chopper began CPR, each jolt of Nami's body was traumatising, Nami managed to cough up the water in her lungs just as Chopper went to pinch her nose. 

Nami was breathing again, although laboured, other than that she was completely still and unresponsive. Luffy jumped into action, swooping Nami up into his arms as he stood on reassured legs, this was no time to be unsteady, by word or action.

"Come on Chopper!" Luffy commanded, the words shooting the young doctor into action. They Luffy started to move, his mood sombre as he took notice of how cold she was and of the dark bruises already beginning to blemish her milky skin. 

"Right!" They both sprinted towards Choppers office. Luffy dug his knee into the med-room bed, carefully laying down his injured navigator with a gentleness that made the onlooking crews heart's ache. Chopper checked her over, doing a multitude of things that made absolutely no sense to Luffy.

"She's gone into hypothermic shock, we need to warm her up," Chopper informed, he then opened one of her eyes, it lulled back in her skull a worried look spread across his face. As he brought her head up gently and felt a large swollen bump on the back of her head.

"That's not good she might have concussion. She might have hurt herself elsewhere, but for now we just need to keep her from freezing to death," Chopper ran to the corner of the room where some blankets were stacked, he threw one at Luffy "wrap her in that, I'll go tell Sanji to heat up some water" Chopper ran out of the room hurriedly.

Chopper was level-headed and absolutely calm so why wasn't he, his hands were shaking with rage at himself "I can't even protect her from a stupid wave" Nami shivered and her teeth chattered uncontrollably. Luffy wrapped the big fluffy rug around her, she laid still for a moment, teeth still chattering. Before she threw the rug from her body, her unconscious self murmured in an angry tone something that was unclear to Luffy.

"Nami keep the rug on!" Luffy shouted while wrapping her in it again, she looked in his direction she murmured something under her breath before leaping at him "Nami!" Luffy shouted as he fell back to the floor Nami fell, he wrapped his arms around her instinctively to try and lessen the force of the fall. The door flung open to reveal chopper everyone else following behind him.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY NAMI-SWAN!" Sanji shouted in a jealous rage.

"She jumped on me!" Luffy exclaimed, trying to explain himself.

"It doesn't matter right now, we have to get her to the baths that will warm her much faster" Nami laid still, Luffy unwrapped his hands from around her and Sanji went to pick her up.

The crew watched as Sanji struggled to pull her off of Luffy, she clung tightly to him, she had two fistfuls of his vest and she was snuggling against his chest, her hip was nestled against his crotch and her legs were curled up to conserve more warmth. "Get her off of me Sanji!" Luffy shouted impatiently.

"I'm trying you idiot she's clinging to you, I don't want to hurt her!" Sanji shouted back in frustration.

"It's fine Luffy, you just carry her we don't have time for this!" Chopper stated in a frazzled manner.

"Right" he replied. He grabbed Nami's wrists to which she let go of her death grip on his vest he was then able to sit up he moved her so he could brace his arm behind her back he carefully stood as he slipped his hand under her knees and lifted her into a bridal carry.

Luffy felt how cold she was, she was moving just fine before, but now she was limp in his arms, at least her teeth had stopped chattering. Sanji opened the door to the bath and Luffy side stepped in carefully.


"Robin could you help me with this?" Chopper asked.

"Of course" she replied, he then transformed into his muscular form and reached out his arms to Luffy.

"Pass her here Luffy" he did So without question he gently laid her in Choppers arms, her body immediately stiffened her teeth began chattering, her body shook violently "what's going on!" Chopper shouted frantically.

"how should I know you're the doctor!" Luffy reminded him, through the confusion Robin's voice could be heard.

"Chopper give her back to Luffy" Chopper listened and gave her back she breathed in deeply and her body went limp again "As I thought" Robin said with a bit of amusement in her voice everyone turned to her looking for an explanation "Nami's body is trying to protect itself, in her delirium she must of thought of Luffy as being safety and comfort. Her body has fallen into some sort of survival mode, in which her logic is that without Luffy, survival is impossible." Sanji was already crying about the fact that she thought Luffy was safer than him.

"But how does she know it's Luffy?" Franky asked.

"well I'd say that she has known him for a while she's come to know him from all their experiences together she probably knows him like the back of her hand; The feel of his skin, the sound of his voice, his smell and so on."

"So what should we do?" Chopper asked.

"well I'd say if we want Nami to recover we'll have to direct the captain on what to do and observe what she is capable of comprehending in her current state in order to find a way to treat her, so-" she paused and pointed towards Luffy, who had stretched his arm and began picking his nose, "captain it's your job to look after Nami till we figure out how to treat her" Luffy smiled and removed his finger from his nose.

"Right!" he responded as he looked down at Nami and nonchalantly flicked the booger he'd picked at Usopp.
oh jeez.

cya next time

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