Chapter 24

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Nami watched and remained silent, all the crew members present did the same. Brooke was now pouring tea in his lap, and Usopp's fork had dropped to the table. Both of their mouths hung open in shock, she wasn't joking, they could tell.

"N-Nami, please tell me you're joking," Sanji whispered, he was on his knees bracing himself on his hands. Luffy eyed him as he tipped his plate up to drop food down his gullet, Sanji trembled, the news hitting him so hard that he was physically and mentally unstable. His swan, his love, his light was interested in Luffy.

Luffy smirked, he had to admit, he was a little happy at Sanji's reaction. His friends very rarely made him angry, but Sanji's flirty attitude towards Nami had been grating on his nerves as of late. He didn't realise this sort of claiming of one another would be so effective, but he was glad it happened.

Luffy stood, the room turned to him, although Sanji remained in a puddle of his tears on the floor. He looked to each of them, Skipping over Robin as she smiled at him knowingly, like a mother who knew what was going on behind closed doors. He couldn't be bothered explaining, he still had to talk to Nami about everything as well.

Luffy decided to keep it simple, "what she said," Luffy said quickly before he was looking at Nami. Usopp was the first to fully compute and he was up and gripping Luffy by the shoulders as he shook him.

"Luffy, PLEASE EXPLAIN! There has to be more you can say than that." Usopp yelled, a tinge of insanity lacing his stare as he pushed Luffy back and forth, hoping that would generate some answers. It apparently gave Sanji enough time to recover slightly as he was up on his feet and joining Usopp in his shaking. His stare, however, had a more murderous intent than Usopp's.

"Yeah explain yourself punk! Since when have you been seducing my Nami-Swan! GIVE HER BACK." Sanji finally cried, tears and snot leaking comically down his face, revealing his true thoughts towards the end of his rant.

Usopp gave him an incredulous side eye as he realised their lack of unity in their reasons for assaulting Luffy. Nami was up then, pressing Usopp and Sanji away from Luffy and stepping in front of him, she looked at them both, menace promised in her glare.

Luffy noted Nami's hand on her hip and the relaxed slope of her shoulders; he was glad she wasn't nervous about the whole thing. He didn't doubt she was a little worried about what the future may hold, but that was for later. For now, the woman he loved was scolding two grown men like they were mere children and he was receiving a particularly jealous glare from his cook from his prostrated position on the floor.

"You two need to grow up, he's injured and you're shaking him around like a ragdoll!" Nami yelled, her teeth sharpening as her presence became oppressive.

"That's one way to start the day," Zoro said lazily as he walked through the doors, his eyes still sleep addled as he took in the scene before him. Franky and Chopper came in soon after, likely awoken by the racket caused by the whole reveal.

"What's going on bros, why are you on the floor!" Franky yelled, perhaps louder than any of the racket made so far.

"Luffy, that damn bastard stole Nami-Swan!" He cried, still on his knees before a practically boiling Nami. That was the final straw, her foot was now on his head, pressing his face into the floor. Before Nami could even think to explain Zoro was smirking, smug like a well-fed cat.

"So you told them?" Zoro said, confirming that he was aware of the big secret to the rest of the crew. "I knew you'd cry like a baby, pathetic cook," Zoro quipped. Nami knew this was probably the only reason he was the least bit interested in her and Luffy getting together, teasing Sanji.

"You knew about this Zoro?! And you did nothing, how could you allow this to happen?!" Sanji yelled, too distressed to even care that Zoro was insulting him, although he'd definitely remember it for later.

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