Chapter 3

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Robin and Chopper pushed everyone else out of the bathing area, except for the captain and Nami of course. Luffy let go of Nami's legs carefully and wrapped her arm over his shoulder, Robin helped take off her jeans, which left her in her usual bikini. Luffy took off his vest, carefully moving Nami from arm to arm as he did so, he threw off his sandals and left his pants on, feeling that Nami would probably hit him when she awoke if he took them off. Luffy slowly stepped into the bath and sat down bringing Nami to sit between his legs, he wrapped his two arms around her waist her head fell back on his shoulder.

They sat in the bath for about an hour, allowing Nami to bathe in the warm water, Luffy complained the whole time but Chopper and Robin forced him to stay seated. After they got out Nami finally had some colour in her face, Luffy listened to Chopper as he guided him to his office. Sanji was there as soon as they exited the bath asking question after question, he followed them all the way to choppers office till Chopper slammed the door in his face and told him to "wait till I've checked her over properly" through the door. 

After that they heard him begin pacing outside. Luffy placed her back on the bed Nami shuddered a bit, probably thinking Luffy was going to take off, so she grabbed his right hand and pulled it to her cheek, her two feminine hands were tiny compared to his large, calloused ones. Luffy didn't even bother to try to remove her hands, he'd somewhat began to understand that Nami would die if he was not near her, so he let her hold onto his hand while Chopper examined her. He watched while Chopper treated bruises and cuts, he examined her head and opened her eyes one by one to flash a torch in them and did a bunch of other doctor things that Luffy would never understand.

"how long will Nami be like this?" Luffy blurted as he stared at her unconscious face. Chopper sighed as he climbed up on his chair near his desk to read over notes he'd been writing as he examined Nami.

 "there is no way of knowing, with people who are in coma's or unconscious it's always difficult to tell, but Nami's case" he looked over at her clinging to Luffy's hand like her only lifeline "I've never seen or heard of anything like it".

Robin, who had been patiently waiting in the corner, made her way to choppers desk and sat on the edge of it "so what your saying is, you have no idea when or even if she'll ever wake up?" Chopper nodded gravely.

 "NO, THAT CANT BE RIGHT THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING!" Luffy bellowed Nami shook at the sudden yelling which only made Luffy feel worse, he'd allowed this to happen to his friend while he was here, what kind of captain was he? he couldn't even protect Nami from a dumb wave.

Luffy knelt beside Nami "I'm so sorry Nami, I failed you."

 "Luffy it's not your faul-" chopper tried to comfort his captain but Robin took his shoulder and shook her head, conveying that he should let the captain be. 

"But when you wake up, and I know you will. I will protect you for the rest of my life, till you finish making your map and way after that." By the end of his rant Luffy had raised his head and was smiling fondly at Nami "trust me," at those two words a beautiful gentle smile spread on Nami's face. 

"That sounded like a proposal, Captain" Robin chuckled sensually.

"She looks like she's having a nice dream" Chopper added.

"I hope she is" Luffy held her hands a little tighter and sat down in a chair nearby. He sat and watched over Nami, as if he were some kind of guardian angel.


hope you enjoyed!!

cya next time :) 

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