Chapter 28

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Luffy walked slowly into the kitchen, eyes hidden in the shadow of his straw hat. But anyone could tell where he was looking, his eyes locked on his chef, assessing. His footfalls were accompanied with the sounds of frying and the clink of utensils against the pan. Sanji didn't look at him, didn't even acknowledge his captain.

"Is lunch ready yet?" Luffy asked in greeting, but he would readily admit he was also trying to piss Sanji off a little more.

"It'll be ready when it's ready bastard," Sanji spat, finally speaking, finally looking at him.

"Hmmm? So, when is that?" Luffy asked again, a grin forming on his face as he intentionally stirred the pot. Luffy heard the dial turn on the stove, the ingredients in the pan bubbled away, Sanji evidently lowered the heat and placed a lid on the pan. He made his way around the workbench, each step deliberate and steady, But fire licked from around his ankle and Luffy smelt as the fabric of his pants started to burn.

"You trying to start a fight Captain?" Sanji asked, his voice all tapered anger.

"No, I'm trying to finish one. Follow me," there was no smile on his face now, Luffy walked with purpose out the door and onto the deck. Sanji waited, watching the form of his captain as he left, there was something about it. Something that eased the fire within him, but he wasn't convinced, Luffy was an idiot and their fling would be short lived.

Sanji increased the temperature of the pan, and lit a cigarette, he'd decided to end this before the food had burnt.

Nami watched the two as they descended on the deck, both exuding male pomp. This was something that needed to be discussed amongst themselves, that much was obvious. There was tension in the air, a kind that she hadn't seen since Usopp's dissension.

Sanji's eyes connected with her own, it wasn't a look of longing or disappointment. Instead she found vigour, pure and unadulterated. He was fighting for Luffy's dedication, fighting for her. She wasn't worried, she knew he would find what he was searching for in his captains eyes.

Luffy was still injured, but he would fight to show his dedication. Luffy stretched up on his toes, pointing his joined hands to the sky in an attempt to shake of any lingering fatigue she knew continued to plague him.

"Luffy you're still not fully healed, this can wait!" Chopper voiced from her side, worry evident in his cute little face. She felt more than heard as Zoro bristled, he would stop any interference. No one would get in between his captain and a crew member who sorely needed reminding of the pecking order.

"Something tells me it can't, right Sanji?" Luffy asked jovially, like he wasn't about to enter a high stakes battle with one of his closest comrades.

Sanji blew cigarette smoke into the air, casual despite his open challenge building between them. "Couldn't have said it better myself Captain," Sanji muttered, finally dropping the cigarette to the floor and stomping it into the grass underfoot.

And that was it, they were off, at each others throats like they hadn't nearly died for each others sakes countless times. Luffy dodged mostly, enduring Sanji's onslaught of kicks, although it was a lot harder considering his current state. He was sloppy at best compared to his usual self, and they could all see it.

But he showed no sighs of giving up, Nami was sure he'd let himself get beaten to a bloody pulp before someone beat him in a contest of will. Luffy had dodged at about half of his normal efficiency, it was nimble by most peoples standards. But luckily he wasn't fighting to win, and Nami knew he was ready for the long haul and whatever troubles came along with it.

Luffy stopped dodging and purely went to defence, solidifying his stance and strengthening his guard as he withstood countless attacks. "Fight back Luffy!" Sanji yelled, his brows furrowing in anger. "Prove to me that you love her like she thinks you do!"

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