Chapter 8

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"Psssst- hey kid" Luffy woke up as he felt the vibrations of someone knocking on the wall he was leaning on. Wiping the drool from his mouth he replied "who is it?"

"Just an old man with lots of time on his hands" he said his voice travelled through a small vent that Luffy rested his back against, his rumble of a voice reverberated against his back, Luffy then moved pressing his face to the vent.

"why are you here old man" Luffy questioned, more than happy to cure his own boredom chatting with him.

"Piracy just like anyone else captured by the navy, what's your name kid?" He sighed

"Monkey D. Luffy, you?" 

"Orcus J. Bones." Luffy spent hours talking with Orcus both of them sharing daring stories of adventure back and forth. "Sounds like you've been through quite a lot kid" Orcus chuckled as Luffy finished telling him about his troubles on fishman island. "Sounds like you've got yourself quite the crew, and quite the woman" Luffy was visibly confused, not that Orcus could see that.

"woman? what are you talking about." 

"your Navigator, Nami, you talk of her so fondly," 

"what do you mean fondly?"

 Orcus sighed "you really are clueless huh kid." Luffy became tired of Orcus talking about things he didn't understand as he voiced his frustration

 "spit it out old man, what do you mean?"

 Orcus chuckled "boy you're in love with that girl."

"Of course I am Old man, I love everyone on my crew!" Luffy stated a matter of factly. 

You could hear the echo of Orcus slapping his forehead as he no doubt thought of giving up explaining. "Boy, have you ever found yourself enjoying being close to her, or missed her when she was absent" Luffy tilted his head to the side as he thought on it, he always missed his comrades when they weren't with him but he did have to admit Nami was usually the one at the top of that list. 

"Well... yeah, I guess" Luffy answered vaguely. 

"And if you were to think of someone who you would spend the rest of your life with, someone to hug, kiss, marry, have children with, who do you think of?"

Luffy's cheeks reddened slightly as he whispered "perverted old man"
"Wait so, I was knocked out by a wave, clung to Luffy like he was my mother, was held hostage which then caused Luffy to be captured by the navy. am I missing anything?" Nami asked as she ate food Sanji had prepared for her

 "no, I think you wrapped it up quite nicely," Zoro said as he took a swig from his sake bottle.

 Nami sighed pinching the bridge of her nose as she muttered "can't take my eyes off of him for a moment." 

"How much of a lead do they have on us and where are they headed?" She asked as she skewered vegetables with her fork.

 "they have a lead of around 3 days and they may be attempting to make it to marine headquarters, Methias seemed intent on gaining fame and rising up the marine ranks, taking Luffy straight there would insure recognition for his efforts" Robin explained. Nami stretched her hands out in front of her with her fingers intertwined then did the same upwards

 "only 3 days huh?" She said confidently "Alright, what do you say we go get our captain back" some of the crew rejoiced loudly while others smirked in satisfaction, they'd waited long enough to sink Methias.

Nami had set them on a course and they were heading full speed to Luffy's likeliest location and now she was resting in her room. She hadn't had time to think to herself about everything, she had been filled in on her and Luffy's daily activities, a few that she would have to beat him for later, but she couldn't remember much of anything. She remembered being somewhere, somewhere safe, it reminded her of her mother the way that place had embraced her so steadfastly made her feel happy, enough so that she twirled her thumbs around each other and smiled.
"Commander, we're receiving a transmission" informed one of the marines. 

"do we know who it's from?" Methias asked, crossing his arms behind his back.

 "It's from HQ sir." Methias nodded to answer it.

"This is marine HQ, we've been informed you are currently in possession of straw hat Luffy, is this correct"

 "yes I apprehended him about 3 days ago, what of it?" Methias demanded in a commanding tone.

"It has been requested by saint Charlos that Straw hat be handed over as a slave" the marine replied

 "Will I still receive merit for capturing him?" Methias inquired.

 "Yes, I have been informed that you have been offered an honourable position by saint Charlos, to stay by his side as an advisor" on Methias' face a hideous grin spread from ear to ear sending shivers up even his crewmen's spines. 

"Understood, straw hat will be delivered to Mariejois in a matter of days" the soldier on the other side hung up.

Luffy stopped listening to Orcus' outlandish story about a pot plant and a massive toad when he heard footsteps coming towards their cells. "Straw hat Luffy, I have excellent news!" Methias chirped as he came to a halt in front of his cell, Orcus fell silent next door.

 "What is it, I was in the middle of a conversation" Luffy informed in a tone that was a little too commanding for someone locked up. 

"Do you know of saint Charlos?" Luffy showed an obvious disinterest on his face as he answered.


Methias smirked "well he knows you, he's a celestial dragon and he's gonna be your new master" Luffy stood up and got as close to the bars as possible 

"what do you mean master" Luffy said, his voice dropping to a low, domineering rumble.

 "I believe you've met him before" Methias informed "on sabaody 2 years back, I was told you punched him in the face at a slave auction" Luffy's eyebrows slammed down

 "I don't care who he is, what do you mean master!" He roared as he attempted to squeeze his head through the bars of his cell.

Methias chuckled "I didn't think you were stupid enough that I would have to explain it to you, you're gonna be a slave Strawhat, an animal purely existing for the entertainment of the celestial dragons" Methias held his chin as if he was thinking "in my opinion it's more than a filthy pirate like yourself deserves" Luffy swung his arm out of his cell in a wild attempt to grab Methias, only for him to step just out of reach.

 "no one is my master, no one can tell me what to do, not you, not anyone!" Luffy exploded, Methias clicked his tongue maddeningly.

"See, Saint Charlos is your master now, and after he's finished with you, all you will now how to do is obey." Methias cackled as a metal shutter slowly descended over his bars, Luffy Followed the shutter down keeping direct eye contact with Methias in an intense glare as he declared.

"by the time my crew comes for me, you better be long gone or I'll make you wish you'd never been born" Methias didn't reply as he walked away. The shutter slammed close as a purple gas began to permeate the air, Luffy slammed his fists against the shutter making dents all over, the sounds his fists made against it continued for about two minutes before a large, solitary thud was heard, presumably Luffy hitting the floor after the sleeping gas became too much to bear.

"Orcus, Orcus!" Luffy shouted sleepily, but it was too late Orcus had already passed out as the gas passed through the vent into his cell. Luffy resigned to fall asleep his head settled on the ground, half covered by the purple smog that covered the ground like a dense fog he should've been angry but all he could think about was Nami.
Chapter 8 done!!!
Thanks for all the support you guys, I'll see you next time!!

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