Chapter 4

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everything was dark....

"I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm scared,"

"Someone help me."

"save me, I don't want to be here, there's water everywhere."

"I can't breathe,"

"I can't breathe."

"where's Luffy?"

"Luffy where are you?"

"I'm scared please save me,"

"I want to breathe,"

"help me breathe."

"Luffy, are you going to leave me?"

"will you let me die?"

"why can't I hear you?"

"why can't I see you?"

"where are you Luffy?"





"Trust me..."


"trust you?"


"but just this once..."


Luffy's eyes were ajar as he heard the door to the infirmary creak open and he realised he'd fallen asleep by Nami's side. It was Sanji with two plates of food, he closed the door with his heel and walked towards them. Luffy stared at the plate of food, he was already drooling, he hadn't eaten anything since lunch yesterday.

Sanji extended the food to Luffy and he grabbed it with his free hand, he crossed his legs and placed the plate in his lap. He dug in with his free hand, allowing Nami to keep the other, he had finally come to understand the disastrous things that would occur if he distanced himself from his navigator.

"how's she doing" Sanji asked as he walked around to the other side of the bed and sat next to her, placing her food on a bedside table.

"I don't know, Chopper said he doesn't know when she'll wake up, but I believe in her she's strong," Luffy looked up at Nami from his spot on the floor, eyes glimmering with pride. After all this time with his captain Sanji knew what this pride was. Luffy was so proud of his friends, that they had grown so strong to support his dream of becoming king of the pirates, he didn't say it often but Luffy was so happy that they had continued to stay with him. Sanji knew watching people get hurt on the road to Luffy's dream always hurt him, especially those who called the Thousand Sunny home.

Sanji watched Nami in silence, cooking up dozens of delicious desserts in his head for her to indulge in when she woke up. And then he started to think "will she eat like this or will Chopper hook her up with some IV drip?" he mumbled as he looked down at the plate he had placed at the bedside table, picking up the fork, he skewered a piece of chicken and held it in front of her face, her reaction was slow acting but she began to sniff at the chicken slowly she opened her mouth slightly.

"Luffy, look she wants to eat!" Luffy looked from his food he put his plate up and sprung up.

"whoa!" his head flung towards the door and he started running, the hand Nami held stretching with him, after a moment he'd dragged Chopper into the room. The little doctor was confused for a second but then he realised what was going on, Chopper climbed on Sanji's back and looked over his shoulder.

"Hmm, I've never seen anyone but Luffy do that, so its definitely weird, but not impossible" he stated, a contemplative look spread on his face, his brows furrowed as he thought through different possibilities and all of his current medical knowledge "it should be fine to let her eat, just be careful she doesn't choke," he added as he hopped off of Sanji and made his way toward the door, they both nodded as he left.

Sanji began cutting up Nami's food into bite size pieces and serving it to her, after Breakfast Luffy decided he wanted to go outside, the medical room began to feel like its walls were closing in on him. So he swooped Nami into his arms and walked outside, being mindful of her head as he walked out the door, Nami turned her head into his chest, breathing in his scent as he walked.

Luffy felt Nami's body relax even more in his arms, the slight tenseness in her body when he was just holding her hand had all but disappeared, his closeness no doubt had a soothing effect in her current state. When he arrived on the soft grass of the sunny, he found everything was operating as usual, Usopp & Chopper fishing off the side of the boat, Zoro taking a nap, Sanji fussing over Robin, Franky was repairing and adding new features to Nami's waver so that when she woke up it would be even more 'SUPER!'.

Luffy joined them on the grass, sitting cross legged and laying Nami next to him with her head on his thigh, she immediately brought her hands to grip his pant-leg, effectively keeping him near her. Luffy laid back in his cross legged position and folded his arms behind his head, the  afternoon sun cascaded over Nami and Luffy's relaxed figures sending a mutual feeling of tranquillity throughout the crew.

Seeing their captain and navigator, even if she was unconscious, bask in the golden rays of sunlight gave a bit of normalcy, well as close to normal as the straw hat crew could get, that had been missing since the incident yesterday. Seeing her with almost the usual amount of colour in her skin had given the whole crew the same thought, Simultaneous grins spread to all members of the crew.

'she'll be back soon'


hello been a while..... again

Thanks for the support so far for those of you that read, vote or comment, please give me some feed back or message me privately if you have any ideas that you think I could make into a good chapter (doesn't have to be 'a cold realisation' related)

(also sorry this chapter was incredibly boring but I felt like I had to get technical stuff like "how is she getting the nutrients she needs?" and all that jazz out of the way before I could really progress) 

cya later😎

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