chapter 17

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Nami went to bed in her own room for the first time in days, laid within her own sheets, tossed and turned on her own pillow. She couldn't sleep, no matter how hard she tried, she even asked Robin to sing a lullaby, she happily obliged, even then she couldn't sleep. All it succeeded in was making her feel like a child, which she already had due to her apparent inability to control her feelings.

Nami threw her rug off herself, moving on deft feet to avoid waking Robin again. She made her way outside, the moon was bright and full, reflecting on the water that rippled and swayed indefinitely. She felt like pacing but she settled on just watching, trying to use the inconsistent lull of the waves to grab hold of her tiredness and take it back to her bed.

Maybe she had gotten too used to the rush, to the desperation. Because even now that Luffy was back with them, she didn't feel at ease. She couldn't rest even more now, than ever, she huffed, she wasn't aware she was so easy to rattle. Without need for much thought, she'd decided on her next location.

She opened the door to the infirmary, noting to herself that she would need to tell Franky about the squeaky hinges. She tiptoed her way in, Luffy was unusually still, not deathly, but still for him. She hated how she couldn't help the relief that bubbled up in her chest when she was near him, it scared her just how much she relied on her Captain.

WIthout Luffy by her side she felt this anxiousness that just continued to build, she didn't like that she felt the need to be near him because of this feeling. It irked her even more as she didn't want to look into her heart and discover that there might be more there for him, than she had originally thought.

Nami sat next to him on the bed, she flipped his hair out of his eyes, her gaze softened as she found reasons to caress his face. Whether it be moving hair or to get rid of a smudge that she had imagined. He groaned in his sleep as he slowly rolled onto his side, his arm was thrown over her lap, it curled around her and fisted in her shirt at her hip.

His other arm ran behind her, his hand hanging over the bed. His face snuggled into her hip, his breath made her hip warm, she didn't think she'd be able to get up. Nami didn't need much more persuasion to slide in next to him. She put her back to him and she threw his arm over her waist, she felt it tighten automatically, dragging her closer.

she felt at ease, her hand slid over his, feeling the warmth of his skin soaking into hers. His other arm lay beneath her head, everything about it felt right, soothing. He was warm and hard behind her, body broken but she still felt that he could protect her from everything. His breath came across her throat in waves, each one had her eyelids dipping low until they closed completely.


She woke up to a racket, specifically Sanji screaming about something, Nami was too delirious to compute what he was saying. She'd felt so well rested to the point it was difficult to bring herself out of the sleep, she hefted herself up, still feeling Luffy's arm resting on her lap. She stared at Sanji, waiting for her vision to not look like she was trying to peer through frosted glass.

"Nami-swan, what are you doing in here? did he force you to sleep here!?" Sanji spat frantically, making his anger build exponentially by the second. Nami's head rocked back as she blinked her eyes clear and yawned, she shook her head lazily.

"I slept good," Nami said simply, quieting Sanji's arguments, everyone on the crew knew that she hadn't been sleeping well. Sanji placed the plate of food for Luffy on the bedside table.

"Shall I bring yours as well Mademoiselle?" Sanji asked politely, Nami nodded. He headed out, going to grab her portion of breakfast. Luffy groaned sleepily behind her, his arm on her lap tightened around her waist. She felt him shuffle around behind her slowly, mindful of his injuries for once.

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