Chapter 1

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"Franky, prepare a coup de burst!" Nami squawked, in her attempt to be louder than the raging storm around them.

"We don't have enough cola for that!" Franky shouted back.

"you have got to be kidding me" a shiver went down her spine, unrelated to the cold from the rain pouring down on them, seemingly from every direction. "Brace yourselves there's a big one coming!" Nami had paled visibly, the cold had penetrated her, bone deep. Her skin was covered in goose bumps from both, the knowledge of what was coming and the raindrops that pelted her. 

"Is that right?" Zoro asked, his tone patronising. The storm was too loud for her to hear him, Sanji however.

"Are you doubting my Nami-swan you stupid Marimo!" Sanji bellowed, almost abandoning his task in order to start a fight mid-storm with the swordsman.

"So what if I am, shitty cook," veins throbbed in his forehead as Zoro debated forgetting his equally important role.

"Then I'll beat the shit out of you it'll probably make your sense of direction better!" By this point they were both battling one another with their foreheads, which quickly came to an end when Nami delivered two devastating blows to both of their heads.

"focus you idiots or we're gonna die!" she huffed, exasperatedly, did they not realise they were in the midst of a massive storm or had it just slipped their minds?  

"It'll be fine Nami we'll figure it out" Luffy stated enthusiastically, as if he weren't one of the most at risk of drowning out of all the crew.

"You say that now, but you're the first one that will get swept away!" she grumbled

"It's not like I'm the only devil fruit eater here," Luffy said innocently.

"It won't change anything if we all get swept overboard, none of us would be able to survive these choppy waters!" Nami proclaimed.

"Nami just relax, it always works out in the end." Luffy encouraged

"shut up Luffy just focus on what your doi- fuck," Nami finished under her breath. The exact thing that she had warned them about had come to fruition, a wave that covered the sky had begun to descend upon the sunny. Churning navy waters hung over their heads like an ancient god ready to claim its bounty.  

"Everyone hold onto something!" Luffy shouted over the ferocious storm. The wave fell from on high, flooding the deck of the sunny, severely weakening the devil fruit eaters. They all hung on for dear life, knowing that if they let go, they would be pulled overboard into the icy-depths. 


Nami flexed her fingers, trying to hold on to the mast with all her might, she felt as if she was being torn in every direction. The mast was simply too big to gain a proper grip on, she couldn't breath and her hands became weaker by the second. The world became a flurry of blue as Nami used her last remaining pieces of consciousness to hang on.

She felt herself weakening, slipping, falling. She could do nothing as she finally let go, riding on what was left of the wave, Nami was dragged backwards. Her body was limp and fluid like the water that suffocated her, she slammed against a wall, her head thudding against the wood of the Sunny. She lost what was left of her awareness as everything began to fade to blue.

 Water gushed around her, dragging her sideways to brutally clash with the guardrails of the ship. The water filtered off the deck around her, her body ached and burned in places that she couldn't even bring herself to name.

She couldn't breath, her lungs filled with ice-cold water. Her final conscious moment was quiet, she couldn't hear at all, fear crowded her mind and in the moment, She called out one name. Hoping he would save her from the bitter coldness 


 It came out as nothing more than a choked whisper.

 And everything was gone.
hope you enjoyed, give me feedback in the comments please!

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