Chapter 5

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After spending the rest of the day lazing in the sun, the crew ate dinner, although they spent most of the time gaping. As the navigator that was perched in Luffy's lap was fed by the captain while still unconscious, they had clearly underestimated how much their captain could corrupt Nami with his odd habits. The crew did a silent vote communicated through passing glances, and decided to let the behaviour, they had only ever seen from Luffy, go unmentioned.

Sanji was fuming that the orange haired beauty was 'forced' to sit in his lap and had been sending fiery glares in his captains direction, that the younger boy had yet to notice.
Luffy had one fork per hand, one for Nami, one for himself, his fork hand moved with incredible speed, shovelling food into his mouth. The hand used to feed Nami however, was slow, allowing her to finish her food with her small bites.

After dinner the crew slowly started filtering off to their rooms. Luffy pulled Nami into a piggy back and began to walk towards the men's quarters, just as he opened the door "just a moment Luffy," Robin began as she gripped the shoulder that wasn't occupied by Nami's head. "Sleep in the girl's room, I'm sure Nami would feel more at home there." It would be obvious to any smart human that Robin had hidden intentions, but Luffy wasn't a very quick-witted person and easily agreed. He wondered into the girls room, following Robin with no care in the world for the consequences he could suffer from Sanji.

Robin asked Luffy to help her change Nami and he begrudgingly helped, while one of Robin's hands covered his eyes, and when he moved to the bed, carrying Nami, he only then realised how tired he was. He pulled the covers back and dug his knee into the side of the bed as he did a bridal carry and gently placed Nami in the bed, allowing her to keep hold of his hand as he removed his sandals, red vest and hung his hat from the wooden pillar of the headboard.

He got into bed, back facing Nami, and she was instantly wrapped around him, one arm over his waist feeling around his lower abdomen, while the other played with his black locks of hair at the back of his head. She'd tangled her legs in his and pressed the rest of her body against him enough so that he felt her heart beating in her chest, her hot breath ran across his throat in waves. Luffy was unsure of whether he should move or not, so he just whispered "Robin, Robin?" after a moment of silence.

"Yes, captain?" she replied in a rather chipper fashion "Nami's wrapping herself around me like a snake, what do I do?"  he asked, slightly worried, as Nami squeezed him a bit tighter "Fufufu, it should be fine captain she's just making herself comfortable" she answered and to anyone else it would have been obvious that Robin was rather enjoying that this made the captain, Straw hat Luffy no less, flustered. After a while Nami settled, though she still had Luffy in a vice like grip, and the captain was finally able to rest, and he swiftly fell into a fitful sleep.


air couldn't find it's way into his lungs as he opened his eyes, gasping for air, he couldn't see as he grabbed the object that was blocking his sight and airway's, pulling it back enough to welcome air into his lungs. He gulped down oxygen and looked up, seeing that Nami had somehow crawled up and wrapped her hands around his head and locked him in place between her breasts.

He reddened slightly but then pulled her back down and wrapped his arms around her in an attempt to stop anymore late night movement, she seemed to relax in this position, her hands pressing nicely against his chest. They weren't as unbearably close as before, their different warmth's and scents we're a comfort to one another, Nami must've felt unsafe  as she was the only one attempting to be close, but now he had offered her sanctuary in his arms, it must've been a great relief to her survival intent brain.

Luffy huffed out a laugh and brought a hand up, twirling Nami's orange locks in his fingers, "if she could see what was happening right now she'd kill me,"  he shivered, imagining his navigators fury, she'd do more than kill him, she would peel his skin off and boil him alive if she knew the way her body was acting and the ways he had to touch her.

Thinking about it just made it worse, he yearned for her to be here, even if she was yelling at him or hitting him, but he knew thinking like that would bum everyone out. He was meant to be the hope to keep his ship going and he wouldn't stop believing in his navigator because of a little bump on the head, she would wake up.

"Till then, I'll protect you with my life Nami, this time I won't fail," to seal his promise he leaned down, pushing cute orange baby hairs out of the way, and laid a single kiss to her forehead.

The promise of a king yet to be crowned, to the queen of rugged seas.


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