Chapter 15

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The Marine ships circled over head, unaware of their presence below them, the shark submerge headed for the centre of the conflict. Zoro had already hurriedly responded to their call on the transponder snail. "Kinda busy at the moment," he grunted, his voice sounded far away as he'd put the snail down to focus on the continued onslaught.

"We need you to stop the Sunny so we can load up the shark submerge," Robin told him. There was a short pause filled with the loud bang of the cannon and the preceding squeal as they flew through the air. Then the unmistakable sound of Zoro's swords as he cut through the cannonballs like butter.

"Did you get him?" He asked, closer this time. He sighed in obvious relief as they confirmed their success. "Okay be ready to board, follow us from below, we'll buy time up here while you load up the shark submerge." He told them hurriedly before hanging up.

They followed the sunny after searching for it from below, it twisted and turned vigorously before coming to a stop. They swept upwards in the shark submerge, taking note of the marine ships that moved in on the Sunny after they stopped. The side of the ship opened and they entered the docking system, the shutter coming to a close behind them.

The unloading of Luffy was left to Nami and Chopper as Robin and Brook headed up to the deck to prepare their escape. Nami sat atop the Shark submerge as the enlarged Chopper held Luffy up for her to grab. The Sunny started to move again as the two slowly moved Luffy to the med bay, even on their experienced sea legs, it was hard to keep steady.

Nami could see Chopper begin to diagnose Luffy, evident as his eyes lingered on the wounds outside the scope of what clothes he was wearing, which at this point was just his tattered denim shorts. As they made it within the walls of Choppers domain, Chopper and Nami slowly placed Luffy on the bed, face down due to the heavy injuries on his back.

Chopper started with his back, it looked to be one of the most gruesome wounds, it was deep and obviously infected. The decaying smell Luffy had given off had almost filled the shark submerge on their journey back. This was probably the main cause of it. His back was gnarled like old tree bark, it was bloody and pus-filled. The skin on the outer edges was red and inflamed.

Chopper gently teased the deeper parts of the wound, ensuring nothing was stuck within. He found nothing and proceeded to disinfect the wound. "I'm glad he's asleep for this part," Chopper said, wincing at the knowledge of how much an infected wound could burn once in contact with cleaning agents.

Luffy's' head was tipped to the side, and Nami pat away the sweat she could see on his brow with a cool cloth. His injuries made her want to throw up, but she couldn't look away, couldn't leave him, Not like this. So she gripped his hand, tight, she wanted him to know she was there and wouldn't leave him again.

Usopp burst into the room, "hold onto something!" he said, only having enough time to grip the doorway as they rocketed upwards and out of range of cannonfire. Nami threw herself over Luffy, her arm draped over his lower back and she gripped the side of the bed, the force of the coup de burst nearly sent them both flying across the room. Which, in Luffy's current state, Nami wasn't sure he'd survive that level of abuse.

Their momentum slowed but Nami didn't dare let go of Luffy til the sunny was safely back in the water. She lifted herself up, looking over Luffy as she went, she was looking for anywhere she could have accidently opened back up.

Luffy was a sight for sore eyes but even if he was back with the crew, that didn't mean they were out of harm's way. Nami could tell from the stormy look in Choppers eyes and with how deathly still Luffy was, that they were in for a tough recovery. If that was even possible at all.


"So they did it, those little punks," Garp laughed, thrilled at the Straw hats' tenacity though he couldn't deny his frustration at how lacking the Marines were to allow this to happen. He ignored the relief he felt, covering it with thoughts of how the new generation of Marines were weak. Although through all his grumbling and callousness, deep within him he held fear, a fear that utterly engulfed his heart.

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