chapter 21

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Within two days the Straw hats were off, with minimal goodbyes from the Baratie cooks. The crew did, however, find that the morning they were leaving, that their food storage had been stocked to the brim. A quiet but hardy 'see you later' and the Straw hats expected no less from the sea fairing cooks.

Next destination was Syrup Village, the Sunny set anchor in shallow waters and the pirates began a familiar walk up a steep incline. One of the only entrances into the village, once the area that housed an epic battle between the Black Cat Pirates and the young Straw hats. The smirks on earlier members of the crew's faces said that they remembered the fight just as vividly as Luffy did.

They heard the familiar frantic screaming of "PIRATES, EVERYONE RUN. WE'RE GONNA DIE!" Usopp's former comrades of the Usopp Pirates sprinted along the path, villagers shot out of their houses with various cleaning and farming equipment to use against the three, now older children. Carrot, Pepper and Onion, dodged the villagers as they continued to yell, Luffy noticed Usopp sniffling a bit.

The emotion was no doubt due to the tradition of lying to rouse the sleepy townspeople being repeated, even in his absence. Usopp raced ahead of the group, trying to follow the kids, he screamed along with them, the reaction of the villagers was mostly of shock, dropping their weapons, some even burst into tears.

The Straw hats watched from afar as the villagers crowded around him in a circle, many of the older women pulling Usopp into big bear hugs. Many of them complimented him and talked about how much he'd grown up, the men grumbled their greetings.

Soon the villagers noticed The Straw hats, hot on Usopp's tail, with some new members to boot. They were wary of them, just the same as before but they were receptive due to Usopp's close relationship and perceived trust of the pirates. after greetings were made and the villagers managed to stop eyeing Luffy with suspicious yet sorrowful eyes, likely due to his current state, the Straw hats we're led to Kaya's mansion by the excited young boys.

Carrot, Pepper and Onion listened intently to Usopp's stories, now his tales of adventure were mostly true, other than him exaggerating his role in said adventures here and there. Heck, if Luffy hadn't been there when the tales occurred, he might have even believed the long-nosed sharpshooter.

The laughter of the crew and interjections here and there, as Usopp made a fool out of Zoro and the like, often reducing them to snivelling cowards in his retellings, were the only evidence that Usopp had changed any length of the story that he had chosen to tell. It only served to prove that his talent for lies was as strong as ever.

Once at Kaya's mansion, they were received quickly by the blonde, Usopp more so than the others of course. She had basically sprinted up to him, his now manly figure engulfed her in a bear hug that they all knew Usopp had been waiting for since the idea of visiting their homes had been suggested.

Kaya organised a large lunch for them to gorge on as Usopp relayed to Kaya the brave tales of the going merry and how she had come to her final resting place after saving them all. By the end, Kaya was moved to tears for the boat she had gifted them, never had she thought a boat could be more than a vehicle.

"The Merry was one of a kind, our close friend,  we will never forget her brave sacrifice," Usopp finished, sniffling himself at the mention of the boat, the crew raised their cups in toast, in respect of the fallen, their Going Merry.

The day was filled with similar tales of bravery, Kaya fell into the groove of it all over again, allowing herself to become immersed in Usopp's tall tales. Now, the only difference was that they were based mostly in truth, his physique and the look in his eyes as he told Kaya of dire situations they had gone through told her of their validity. Usopp was now a brave warrior of the sea, just as he had always dreamed, and she wasn't even sure he was fully aware of it. 

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