Chapter 27

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Never had she felt so utterly exhausted, yet somehow well rested in her whole life. Nami battled with the urge to get up and do something, as well as the crushing desire to simply roll over and doze for a few more hours. The sheets were warm and smelled deliciously sun dried, likely due to the fact that the blinds had been left wide open.

She stretched, the action drawing a long groan out of her. When a similar noise was echoed from behind her, albeit far deeper than her own, followed by heat engulfing her back, Nami had practically decided which of the options she was going with. Luffy threw his arm over her waist and dragged her against him, staying in bed for a few more hours it was, she supposed.

Luffy tucked his face into her neck, snuggling and kissing her, tossing in a drowsy 'mornin' as he did so. His hand splayed against her lower abdomen and she felt everything under it spur to life, irreverent of the ache she was dealing with. Every hard inch of Luffy was pressed against the back side of her, and she couldn't be happier with that arrangement.

She also noticed a comfortable lack of sticky sensation between her legs. She had doubted Luffy, she wouldn't lie, so even that little bit of cleanliness was a godsend. "What time is it?" Nami asked her voice every bit the dozing, yet satisfied, drawl she had expected it to be.

"Dunno, definitely heard knocking earlier though. I think we're past our checkout time." He said lazily, voice gruff. None of that conveyed that he was planning on leaving any time soon. But at least Nami had it on good authority that the hotel staff wouldn't do more than knock and politely warn them of the checkout time. They were probably fighting about who would be the next one to visit and potentially invoke Luffy's anger.

If anything, Nami could definitely see herself going for a few more rounds before taking a nice long shower. Depending on how long they took, Nami would consider giving a tip to the next brave soul to knock on that door.

Nami shuffled around in Luffy's arms, turning to face him. His eyes were soft as they looked at her, his hair was messy. Nami doubted her hair had come out looking that effortlessly sexy. Nonetheless, beneath Luffy's loving gaze, was a growing hunger. One that she undoubtedly reflected in her own eyes.

She was glad that he was on the same page about their plans. He leaned his lips against hers, a soft slating of his lips over her own. His arm tightened around her, gripping Nami's plush hip in his hand. Her hands splayed against his pecs, digging her fingers into the defined surface, it was deliciously hard and warm. It took Nami a matter of three seconds of kissing Luffy to decide that she would rather a different vantage point.

Nami pushed his hands off her and made a seductive show of pushing him on his back and placing herself astride him. Nami's hands rested low on Luffy's abdomen, and she looked down at him, no doubt naked and bedraggled. Luffy's hands cupped her knees and ran up and down the top of her thighs, a completely male groan escaped him. Satisfaction portrayed in it's truest form, in Luffy's eyes, nothing could top this moment.

Nami was absolutely gorgeous, so fucking picturesque that it felt like he was in a dream. She leaned forward, her hair cascading around him in waves, the light filtering through it and casting her in an ethereal glow. Luffy had never claimed to be a lucky person, but sitting there with her astride him?

How could he be anything but?

It had been quite a few weeks in the making, but he was finally getting closer to sniffing them out. He'd followed rumours and tip-offs, chasing each one till its last puff of uncertainty, before the trail had gone cold. One thing was for certain, the Straw hats were no longer on the grand line. After that particular tid-bit of information was sent his way it had been smooth sailing. His ships had been more than equipped to cross the calm belt, and he'd been more that happy to cut some corners. And so far, each island hop was bringing them closer and closer to his goal.

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