Chapter 1

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Thursday 10th June 2021

"What do we got" Maya asked as she ducked under the police tape at a B&E "Detective Bishop" The cop said "Store was hit about an hour ago they took mostly Electronics Laptops, iPads, Phones" The uniformed officer said "Thankyou Gibson I'll take it from here" Maya said as she walked over to the Store owner.

"Hi I'm detective Bishop, I'd like a list of all your employees and whoever has access to the store" Maya said the store owner nodding. "Ah Detective... I already solved the case, we're looking for 3 white males one of them has sleeve tattoos on both arms" A taller brunette women said from behind the blonde "And how do you know that" Maya asked turning around to face the girl she had never seen before "Well I got here 5 minutes before you and I figured in this gigantic electronics store there had to be at least one working camera" She said with a smile.

"Mhm and you are" Maya asked "Oh sorry Detective Carina Delcua you're new partner" The brunette said holding her hand out for the blonde to shake "Mhm no Detective Herrera is my partner" Maya said "not anymore" Carina said "You can't just come and declare your my new partner" Maya scoffed "bring it up with Captain Bailey" The brunette said before turning around and leaving the blonde alone.

"Captain" Maya said barging into her office "Bishop what can I do for you" Bailey asked "Who is this Carina Delcua and why is she saying she is my partner" Maya asked "Because she is" Bailey said "What's wrong with Herrera" Maya asked "Nothing at all but you are my best detective Bishop and she is really good so I want you two to work together" The captain said "Welcome her to the precinct, introduce her to everyone make her feel welcomed" Miranda said "Dismissed" The captain added pointing to the door.

"Detective Bishop" Carina said "Deluca" Maya slightly nodded walking towards her desk "I'm sorry about earlier" Carina said "For what" Maya questioned "I didn't mean to take over the scene you were primary" Delcua said "Yet you did" The blonde replied shortly "Okay well let me buy you lunch make up for it" Carina offered "I'm okay thankyou" Maya said turning her attention to the computer infront of her.

Friday 11th June 2021

"Good Morning Bishop" Carina said holding 2 cups of coffee in her hand "Morning" the blonde said "Here I got you a coffee" the brunette said holding it out "I already had a coffee this morning thanks though" Maya said sitting down at her desk "Two never hurt anybody" the older women said placing the coffee on the blondes desk and walking to her desk that just happened to be opposite to Maya's.

"Maya" Andy said running over to her bestfriends desk and sitting on it "What" Maya asked "He proposed" Andy said showing off the ring her fiancé gave her "He did" Maya asked earning a nod from her bestfriend "Wow the future Mrs Ryan Tanner" Maya said a massive grin on her face.

"This is your new partner" Andy whispered "Yes" Maya answered "She's hot" Andy said slyly checking out the Italian standing in the kitchen "Mhm she's annoying" Maya said rolling her eyes. "Nineteen briefing room 5 minutes Sargent Sullivan shouted to his team "Ass" Andy said rolling her eyes at the taller man "Agreed" Maya said as the two of them stood up and walked into the briefing room.

"Okay everyone quiet let's get this done" Captain Bailey said "Bishop update on the Morgan Murder" Sargent Sullivan said "Earlier this morning someone decided to shoot and kill luxury food importer Henry Morgan" Maya started as she stood up "Body was found by the cleaning lady" Maya said "Crime techs are at the scene now Bishop and I are heading back when they are done" Carina added "I want this solved and I want it solved now" Sullivan said "That's the plan" Maya said sarcastically. "Get back to work nineteen Bishop and Delcua solve this case" The taller man said before walking out of the briefing room.

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