Chapter 29

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Monday 11th October 2021

"Bambina where are you going" Carina groaned sleepily at the loss of contact from her girlfriend climbing out of bed "I'm going to go for a run and see if I can get an appointment with my therapist" Maya said leaning over her side of the bed and pressing a kiss to the brunettes forehead "I'll come back to you later okay I just need to go and clear my head" the blonde added earning a small head nod from the Italian.

Maya made her way from the bedroom into the bathroom and decided to throw on some black exercise shorts along with a red sports bra covering up with a black singlet before brushing her teeth and making her way out of her apartment and out onto the oddly quiet new York streets. The blonde ran and ran for miles on miles deciding on just showing up at her therapist office hoping she could fit her in for an emergency appointment.

"How can I help you" Cara the receptionist at the front desk asked "I'm here to see Dr Pearson" Maya said "Do you have an appointment" Cara asked "I don't but if you could just let her know it's Maya Bishop and it's really important please" the blonde pleaded "Let me see what I can do" the brunette replied picking up her phone and making a phone call.

"She actually had a cancellation for right now so it's perfect timing you can just head through" Cara said a warm smile plastered across her face "Come in" Dr Pearson called out when she heard a knock on her office door "Maya hello come in come in" the therapist said warmly gesturing for the blonde women to take a seat on the couch "Dr Pearson thank you for seeing me on such short notice" Maya said "Please Maya call me Jess, and it's really no problem I assure you" the black haired women said taking a seat on the arm chair across from the blonde.

"Tell me what's been going on" Jess said pulling out her note book and pen "Well I met a women and she is extraordinary, she is so kind and caring and so incredibly attractive" Maya said her mouth instantly turning into a smile thinking about the brunette "I was scared to be with her after everything that happened with Blake but I am with her now and she loves me" the blonde said "So why do you look so unsure" Jess asked "She wants children" Maya replied.

"You don't want children" Dr Pearson asked "No" the blonde simply replied "Well I always thought after what happened with Archie I would never want another child because I don't want to go through the heart break of having to loose another child I'm not strong enough for that" the blonde women added "Have you ever thought of the possibility it might not happen" Jess questioned "Of course I have because I can imagine myself and Carina having children and being married and spending the rest of our lives together but what if that is not the case what if I agree to have another child with Carina and we loose it I won't recover" Maya replied.

"Can I point something out" Jess asked earning a nod from the blonde "I know loosing Archie was incredibly hard and the heartbreak that comes along with loosing a child I know the feeling all to well, but you didn't have anyone to lean on anyone to support you, after you lost your son you and your fiancé broke up and he abused you and you packed up your life and you moved across the country" Jess pointed out "What does that have to do with having kids with Carina" Maya asked confused "The point is you have Carina, you have a partner that loves you, and will support you and that is what makes it different" Dr Pearson said.

"This isn't something that will change overnight Maya, it is something you need to continue working on something you need to talk to Carina about and one day your view it may change" Jess added "But it also may not change and that is okay as well" the black haired women said smiling softly as she watched the blonde take in all the new information she was given.

"Blake is dead" Maya said after a few moments of quiet "Sorry" Jess asked shocked "Mhm someone killed him" the blonde added.


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