Chapter 20

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Saturday 28th August 2021

"You don't always have to worry about me Maya I'm a big girl and I can take care of myself" Carina replied annoyed "if something happens to you because of me because of a call I made I will never be able to forgive myself so please baby please wait for backup" Maya pleaded taking a step closer to the brunette and wrapping her arms around her neck "Okay" Carina confirmed placing her hands on the blondes waist and joining their lips together. "We should get some information from the guy we currently have tied up before we go in" Maya said pulling away from the brunette "mhm I hid him over there" Carina said pointing behind a curtain.

"Hi I am Sargent Maya Bishop with NYPD I want to ask you a few questions and if you corporate charges against you will be lighter then other I assure you" Maya said pulling the man towards the small couch "Understood" Carina asked the man nodding his head "Try anything funny and I will tackle you to the ground before you can say your own name understood" Maya said once again earning a nod from the man "Okay perfect are you guys money laundering here" Carina asked "Yes" the man replied "I have nothing to do with it though I am just security" the man said "Are they all armed in that room" Maya asked "Yes" the man replied "Okay who is the boss who is in charge" Carina asked "That I can't tell you I'll get killed" he said shaking his head "We will get you witness protection" Carina said softly "No I can't tell you I'm sorry I've told you everything I can" He replied looking away from the two women.


"Okay nineteen is here all undercover are you ready" Maya asked as she tucked her phone back into her pocket and pulled her gun out "Si" Carina replied following suit with her gun and walking towards the door "Wait" Maya said turning around and pressing a long kiss on the brunette's lips "don't do anything stupid be safe" Maya said when she pulled away "Don't you do anything stupid" Carina replied pressing another kiss to the blondes lips. "Bishop you ready for this" Captain Bailey asked from outside the door "Ready" Maya replied opening the door and following her Captain.

"Bishop, Deluca you two in first then everyone else in hard and fast" Bailey said as they lined up out the front of the door "On my count" Maya whispered "3...2...1 GO GO GO" Maya said kicking the door open and running in Carina close behind her followed by the rest of nineteen "NYPD hands in the air" Carina yelled "Bishop , Deluca chase her before she gets away" Bailey yelled watching a taller blonde run out the fire exit door "On it" Maya said running after her Carina right behind her "NYPD put your hands up" Maya said pointing her gun at the blonde "Turn around with your hands in the air" Carina shouted "Detectives you are out of your league here I suggest you let me go" The girl said "You know we can't do that" Maya said shaking her head "Just remember you asked for this" the girl said turning around gun in her hand "Carina get down" Maya said tackling the brunette to the ground the bullet flying past them and the blonde running away.

"You okay baby" Maya asked worried "Yes go chase her" Carina said pushing Maya off her "Stay here I'll be back" the blonde said quick to run after the other blonde. Maya was quick to catch up with the criminal who she was assuming is the boss of the whole operation "You are fast no one has ever caught up to me before" the girl said "You have the right to remain silent" Maya said hand cuffing the blonde and reading through the Miranda rights. "You are very pretty you know" the girl said "What your name I'm Molly" the blonde said "Sargent Bishop to you" Maya replied walking the blonde back towards Carina who was now surrounded by the rest of nineteen "You okay baby" Maya asked handing Molly off to Bailey and quick to crouch down next to the brunette "I'm okay bambina" Carina said allowing the blonde to pull her up to her feet "Are they a couple" Molly asked Bailey "Why are you speaking" Miranda asked "Guess my chances with the hot blonde are out" Molly said laughing "you are a criminal they were out from the minute Bishop walked into that room" the Captain said laughing.

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