Chapter 14

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Friday 20th August 2021

"No need to be nervous you know everyone here" Maya said as the two walked up to the front door "I know do we have to keep distance or can they know we are dating I guess I would call this dating" the brunette asked "They can know we are dating we just don't need to announce it, if it comes up it comes up" Maya said "Okay well quickly kiss me" Carina said, Maya nodding her head and wrapping her arms around the brunettes neck quick to attach her lips to Carina's.

"Coming" Andy yelled as the blonde knocked on the front door "Maya, Carina hello so glad you could make it come in" Andy said opening the door further to reveal a full on party "I thought it was a small gathering" Carina whispered into the blondes ear "So did I" the blonde said. "Andy what happened to the very small dinner and drinks you were having" Maya asked her bestfriend "Well it turned into a party I am getting married in 3 weeks time so come inside and have a drink to celebrate that" Andy said grabbing her bestfriends hand dragging her through her house and into the kitchen.

"Carina hi didn't know you were coming" Jack said walking over to the brunette "Yeah neither did I" the Italian replied "excuse me I am being called over to take a shot I believe" Carina said looking towards Maya who was waving her over "No problem see you later" Jack said. "Where is Vic" Andy asked "I'm here think I would miss out on taking a shot to celebrate you" Vic said "Okay well my bridesmaids one for each of you" Andy said pouring them all a shot "To Andy" Carina said raising her glass everyone quick to clink them all together.

"I am just going to use the bathroom will you be okay" Maya whispered "Si all good bella" Carina confirmed nodding her head before Andy ran over and handed her another shot "To you and Maya" Andy said raising her shot glass "I'll cheers to that" the brunette said chuckling before clinking there glasses together "You don't have to stay long I know you are on a date but it was very nice of you both to show your faces" Andy said "It's okay we were more then happy to come" the Italian said.

"Do you want a drink an actual drink not a shot" Maya asked walking back towards the brunette placing her hand on her lower back "Yeah come on we will go and get some" Carina said moving to walk towards where Andy had a table of drinks set up "What do you want" the brunette asked "I'll just grab myself a beer from outside I'll be right back" Maya replied walking outside "Maya" Ryan said pulling the blonde in for a hug "Ryan" the blonde said happily wrapping her arms around her best friends fiancé "So you and Carina huh" he said wiggling his eyebrows "yeah it looks like it she is amazing honestly I have never felt so connected to someone so quickly" the blonde said an instant smile on her face at the thought of the Italian.


"Do you want to head out" Carina asked quietly "yeah we can go if you want" Maya said nodding her head "let's go say goodbye to Andy and Ryan and then go" the brunette said "Hey we are going to head out but we will see you at work on Monday" Maya said to her bestfriend "Stay come on please" Andy asked "Not tonight next weekend for your bachelorette we will have a wild night with you okay" the blonde offered "Okay I love you see you Monday" the brunette bestfriend said going back to swaying her hips to the music "Come on" the blonde said lacing her fingers with Carina's and leading her through the house.

"Carina, Maya" Jack said stopping the two from leaving "What's up jack" Maya asked "You two are a thing" he asked "we are" they both proudly said at the same time "You have been giving me eyes all night Deluca" Jack said "What are you talking about" Carina asked laughing "It's called being nice Jack go back to your girlfriend and leave her alone please" Maya said stepping past the uniformed officer and opening the front door for them both to head home. "Do you want to walk from here I only live like a 20 minute walk away" the blonde asked "I actually have one more thing I want to do tonight" Carina said "Only if you are up for it" the brunette added "Of course" Maya said "okay it isn't that far from here" the brunette said gently tugging Maya the other direction.

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