Chapter 27

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Monday 27th September 2021

"Do you want to come for a run with me" Maya asked as she undressed from her pyjamas "Yeah that would be good" Carina said nodding "Think you can keep up" the blonde teased "I think I'll manage" the brunette shot back cockily "Get dressed" Maya said slapping her girlfriends ass as she walked past. "Carina are you ready" Maya yelled from where she was finishing off her protein shake in the kitchen "Ready" Carina said walking from the bedroom towards Maya now dressed in a black skin tight pair of exercise shorts and a red sports bra "Holy shit" the blonde said her jaw slightly dropping "It's rude too stare you know" Carina said laughing "You are so pretty wow" the American said "All this" the Italian said flexing her muscles.

"Let's go" Maya said laughing before grabbing them both a bottle of water and handing one off to her girlfriend "Keep up" was the last thing the blonde said before jogging down the drive way closely followed by the brunette. "You need a break" Maya asked jogging backwards so she was facing her girlfriend "No" Carina replied using this as the opportunity to get in front of the blonde "First one to the post wins" the Italian said running as fast as she could but was overtaken by the blonde who speed to the post and spun around it.

"What do I win" Maya asked "Your way with me" Carina offered a smirk appearing on her face "Is that so" the blonde asked taking a step closer to the brunette "Mhm" the Italian hummed in reply "I already have my way with you whenever I want thought" Maya stated "Yeah but I usually top you so I am giving you permission to dominate me tonight and I will just let you" Carina said "Let's go back" Maya said with a chuckle lightly jogging on the spot "Let's have coffee and some breakfast first" the brunette offered "Okay" Maya agreed allowing her girlfriend to pull her into the nearest coffee shop.

"Carina" a brunette women said gasping when she saw the Italian standing in the line behind her "Gabriella" Carina excitedly said wrapping her arms around the other women Maya stood to the side confused "How have you been bambina" Gabriella said holding Carina's face in her hands and running a hand through her hair "Good and you" Carina asked "Good good living my best life" the brunette women said laughing. "Gabriella this is Maya, Maya this is Gabriella" Carina said introducing the two women "Ahh Maya I have heard so much about you" the Italian women said bringing the blonde in for a hug "Well I have to get going but if you are both going to be here for a few days we should get dinner" Gabriella offered "Of course I'll message you" Carina replied hugging her once more before they all said there goodbyes and the brunette left the cafe.

"What do you want baby" Maya asked "Uh can I please just have a latte and a croissant" Carina replied "Of course you can sit down at a table if you want and I'll bring it over" the blonde said pressing a kiss to the brunette's cheek "Okay" Carina said more like a question then anything before turning around and walking off to the table. Carina was confused more confused then she had been in along time she couldn't figure out for the life of her why Maya was being so calm  and not asking her a hundred questions about the girl they just ran in to.

"Are you okay" Maya asked "Uh yeah sorry" the Italian replied "For you" the blonde said handing her girlfriend her coffee and a plate with her croissant before taking a seat across from her. "What other plans do we have for the time we are here" Maya asked again with normal conversation "Uh we have your bothers event on Thursday night and If you want we can catch up with Gabriella for dinner tomorrow or Wednesday night" the brunette offered "Yeah that would be good" Maya said nodding then taking a sip of her coffee.


"Did you have a good sleep" Maya asked watching her girlfriend approach her from where she was laying on the couch "Yeah it was good thank you" Carina said climbing next to the blonde and wrapping her arms around her torso "What's wrong you seem tense" Maya asked tracing patterns on the Italian women's arm "Nothing just thinking" Carina said "What is that pretty mind of yours thinking" Maya asked "I'm just confused" the brunette said "About" the blonde asked confused.

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