Chapter 11

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Wednesday 11th August 2021

"Maya" Andy yelled when the blonde walked back into the precinct "I need to get dressed" Maya said "We need to talk" Andy said "Come with me then" Maya said walking off to the locker room to get dressed. "What's up" Maya asked "You and Carina kissed" the brunette said "We did" the blonde confirmed "Don't look at me like that it was only for the case that's it so we didn't get caught" Maya said "It looked all a little to comfortable" the brunette said "We have good chemistry and we are close friends but that's it now I really need to have a shower can we finish this later" Maya asked "Mhm okay" Andy said before leaving the blonde alone to go to the showers.

"Oh sorry I didn't know you were in here already" Maya said walking into the showers to see Carina wrapped up in a towel "it's okay I'm almost done you can still shower" Carina said smiling softly at the blonde "Okay" Maya said trying to ignore the awkward tension hanging between the two "Do we need to talk more" Carina asked "I think we have talked enough for tonight don't you think" Maya asked "Okay then" the brunette said "I am moving out next week and if you want to try for real I need an answer before then" Carina added before shutting her locker and going to walk out "See you at home" was the last thing the brunette said before leaving the blonde alone in the locker room.


"You are packing" Maya said as she stood in the guest room door way "yeah I am working the rest of the week so I just want to be some what prepared" Carina said "okay" Maya said the room falling silent an uncomfortable silence "Do you want something specific for dinner" the blonde asked "No whatever you want" Carina said as she folded a shirt and shoved it in her suitcase "okay if you need any help I will be in my room" Maya said before turning around and walking off to her bedroom.

The blonde got dressed and climbed into her bed staring at the ceiling thinking about everything that happened between her and the gorgeous brunette in the room next to hers "Maya" Carina called out from the door way getting no response from the blonde who was in deep thought "Maya" the brunette said again walking further into the blondes room "Sorry yeah" Maya said snapping out of the state she was in and looking at Carina "I need an answer to my question I thought I could wait but I can't I need to know" the Italian said "I don't have an answer" Maya admitted.

Carina sat down on the bed and leaned down to hover over the blonde closing the gap between them in a short blissful kiss "Don't wait to long" Carina said going to get out of bed only to be stopped by a hand on her wrist pulling her back down and Maya attaching her lips back to the brunettes moving in a perfect sequence the blonde slipping her tongue into the Italians mouth as they continued making out "Is that your answer" the brunette asked pulling away from the blonde "I think it is" Maya confirmed "I don't know what this means but I know I need to take things slow if we want this to work I need to go slow" Carina said "So do I" the blonde confirmed.

Wednesday 18th August 2021

"Hey what are you doing tonight" Carina asked stopping Maya from getting into her car "No plans" Maya replied "Can you do me a favour" Carina asked "Of course" the blonde said "I got a new bed and some bed side tables and other bits of furniture but I need help to put it together so will you come over and help me please" The brunette asked "Can do" Maya said "okay I'll see you at my place" Carina said looking around the parking lot seeing it empty and leaning in and pressing a kiss to the blondes lips "See you soon" Maya said smiling like a fool as she pulled away.

"Hi stranger" Carina said from where she was leaning against her car waiting for the blonde "Wow been a while since I saw you how have you been" Maya asked laughing "shut up loser oh my god" Carina said joining in on laughing "Come on" the brunette added holding her hand out for the blonde to grab "Affection in public are you feeling okay" Maya joked putting her palm up to Carina's forehead "You are a real comedian tonight aren't you" Carina said playfully rolling her eyes and unlocking the front door.

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