Chapter 3

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Tuesday 13th July 2021

"Oh I'm so sorry" Maya said still crouched down in front of the brunette "Why it's not your fault" Carina said "Okay then what do you need" Maya asked "I don't know" Carina answered "Do you need to talk, scream, smash things or get super drunk" the blonde asked "all of those sound pretty good right now" Carina said "Okay well we are off shift in an hour how about we go to Joe's" the blonde offered.

"You don't even like me Maya why would you offer to spend your night with me" The Italian asked "I know what it is like to be cheated on Carina it isn't a good feeling okay" The blonde said "What did you do when it happened to you" Carina asked "All of the things I just mentioned to you and then I had really really drunk sex that my ex happened to walk in on" Maya said "I'm up for all of it but the sex" Carina said.

"What are you drinking" The blonde asked as the two women walked into the bar "Something strong please" Carina said "Okay go sit down at that booth and I will get you something" Maya said "Okay thank you Maya" Carina said smiling for the first time today.

"Okay here 4 tequila shots and a glass of wine to help wash them down" Maya said placing a tray of drinks on the table "You are drinking with me" Carina asked looking at the other drinks "Of course" Maya said "I'm not going to let you drink by yourself" The blonde added.

"Ready to talk about it" Maya asked "In a minute" Carina replied downing the 4 shots in front of her slamming them on the table afterwards. "Okay so we were going to couples therapy to try and fix our marriage,  we have been having problems for a while she is so focused on work and never makes time for me so we were working on that and she was getting better I was getting better at communicating then just shoving it all down like i'm used to doing" Carina started off "We made this arrangement that every Sunday we would go out for dinner but she said she had to stay at work to finish off this report so I thought I would pick up some take out and go surprise her at work" Carina said taking a deep breath "It's okay take your time" Maya said watching the brunette.

"I walked into her precinct and there was no sign of her I asked her partner where she was and she said she was in the captains office so I walked over there and heard moans and grunting coming from inside so I pushed the door open to reveal my wife bent over the desk no clothes on with her Captain behind her" the brunette said. "I um I didn't really know what to do it was like time stood still for a minute and I just watched them continue going at it until she looked at the door and saw me standing in the door way, She freaked out and she quickly pulled away from Arizona and she started saying stuff to me but to be honest I really didn't hear a thing she was saying it was just drowned out by her being banged by her captain" Carina said taking a massive gulp of wine.

"Carina" Maya said "Wait there is more" The brunette said "Once I gathered my thoughts and realised what I just saw I scoffed I threw the food and the flowers I had in my hand on the ground and walked on to the street, she followed me and was explaining to me that it wasn't what it looked like and it just happened and she's sorry and blah blah blah I just told her to leave me alone and not to contact me and that I wouldn't be returning home" The brunette said "Carina I'm so sorry" Maya said "I left everything I own at that house and I need to go and get it all so I can start looking for somewhere else to stay" Carina said "Do you want me to come with you to get your stuff" The blonde offered "I can't ask you do to that" Carina said "You aren't asking I'm offering" Maya said.

"Let me call her and see if she is home so I can pack my stuff" Carina said fumbling around her purse looking for her phone "Maybe you should wait until you aren't drunk" Maya said "No I need to get my stuff are you going to help me or not" Carina asked "Yes okay let me get my car" Maya said knowing she could still drive after only having 1 drink.

"She isn't answering so she might be at work I have keys though so we will just go whilst she is at work" Carina said as she climbed into the blonde's car "Okay seatbelt on" Maya said. "Thankyou for tonight I really needed it" Carina said "Of course" Maya said.

"Do you want me to come in with you" Maya asked "Yes please" Carina said "Okay let's go" Maya said parking the car and making their way up to the brunette's apartment. "I don't have a lot of stuff so it should only take half an hour tops" Carina said "Okay" the blonde simply replied as Carina unlocked the apartment door.

"What the fuck is that" Carina asked hearing loud moans coming from her bedroom "Carina" Maya said watching the brunette storm over to her bedroom. "Carina let's just come back later" Maya tried to reason with the brunette following after her "no we are doing this now" Carina said trying to open the bedroom door "It's locked" the brunette said "Okay let me get a bobby pin we can pick it" Maya offered "Or I can just do this" Carina said moving away from the door and then running up and throwing her whole body weight into the door it swinging open.

"Hi" Carina said as she watched her wife quickly sit up and push the women who was under the covers away from her "Carina what are you doing here" Arizona asked "Doing here in my own house" Carina queried "I thought you were working" the blonde said "You are unbelievable" the brunette said laughing then walking towards her closet grabbing out a suitcase.

"You should go" Arizona whispered her Captain sitting awkwardly on the bed "No you should stay I am just packing my shit and I am leaving don't mind me" Carina said throwing her clothes into her suitcase. "Maya will you grab my stuff from the bathroom please, Everything on the right side is mine" Carina asked "Uh yeah sure" Maya replied walking into the ensuite. "Carina can we just talk please" Arizona said "What exactly is there to talk about, you cheat on me at work with you captain and then I come home to find you in the bed that I paid for in the house that I own with her again" Carina said laughing again.

"Why are you laughing" The blonde asked "Because it's funny here I am trying so hard to fix our marriage whilst you are sleeping with every person who looks at you" Carina said "You don't have sex with me Carina I have needs" The blonde said "You are never home probably because you are bent over someones desk whilst I sit here worrying about you thinking you are being held at gun point or something" The brunette said shutting her suitcase.

"You stay here I'll go stay somewhere else until we figure us out" Arizona said "No I'm good I don't want to stay in a house that I shared with my cheating wife, you can stay here for the next 4 weeks whilst you sort out a new place and then I am selling this house" Carina said "Oh and as for figuring us out I will have my lawyer send you divorce papers over" The brunette said.

"Got everything" Maya asked "Si" Carina replied "Oh and Arizona here is your ring back" Carina said taking off her wedding and engagement ring placing it on the coffee table "You are lucky that it is your mamas ring or I would have thrown it into the ocean with everything else that reminds me of you and the last 10 years I wasted on you" Carina said grabbing all her bags and storming out of her house.

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