Chapter 31

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Tuesday 12th October 2021

Maya woke up later then she usually would turning over to be met with an empty bed "What" the blonde instantly shot up straight into a panic at where the Italian had gone. "Carina" Maya called out getting out of her bed and walking towards the bathroom but it was empty "Baby" the blonde yelled a bit louder this time walking into the kitchen her eyes falling on a small note near the espresso machine.

Good morning my love,

Bailey called early this morning and the Jeremy and Jake case is going to trial tomorrow so I needed to get to work so I could organise everything with Travis.

I will see you when you get here, All my love


"Okay" Maya breathed out a sigh of relief before making her way back into the bathroom to shower and get ready for work.


"Who are we up against" Carina asked walking into conference room where Travis and Vic were organising all the files "Amelia Shepherd" the brunette man said "Right" the Italian said rolling her eyes more so at the fact she used to sleep with Maya then the fact she was a defence attorney.

"We need to make sure we have everything because Amelia is going to grill us tomorrow and we need to be prepared for whatever it is she throws at us" Carina said "Yeah I have everything here, you look back through it make sure you have everything you need" Travis said handing the Italian women a stack of papers.

"Sarge good morning" Andy said watching her best friend walk into the prescient "Good morning" Maya replied flashing her bestfriend a smile "You good" the Latina women asked "Yes thank you, I wanted to apologise for my outburst yesterday I just haven't been able to control my anger recently but I am working on it and I should not have been taking it out on the team" the blonde said "It's okay but I think you owe an apology to your girl" Andy replied "I know i got her flowers, coffee and food hoping that's a step in the right direction" Maya replied chuckling softly.

"Morning update me" Maya said walking into the conference room "Everything is in here that we need to lock them both away" Carina replied holding up the large file "I want to double check it once you are finished checking it and Travis you better come up with an amazing reason as to why you arrested Jeremy without any hard evidence "Already covered Sarge" the brunette man replied "Good" Maya simply said before walking closer to her girlfriend.

"Can we talk" the blonde asked "I have to finish this" Carina replied "Just two minutes please" the blonde pleaded "Okay" the brunette women agreed following the brunette out onto the roof "I am sorry" Maya started "I am sorry that I said the team was a joke and i am sorry that I wanted to suspend Travis and for taking my anger out on you I'm so sorry" the blonde said "I know it isn't an excuse but I am working on it after I left here last night I went to see my therapist and she helped me with some strategies that may help me navigate my way through my feelings".

"I got this for you" Maya said pulling out the flowers and coffee with a brown bag filled with Carina's favourite breakfast "I am hoping that my apology is one step closer to you forgiving me" the blonde added. "I forgive you Maya I'm not angry at you okay it was a stressful day and tensions were high it's okay" Carina finally spoked leaning forward and placing a peck on her girlfriends lips. "I love you and thank you these  they are gorgeous" the Italian said taking the flowers from the blondes hands "I have to go and finish checking through the files but I'll see you for lunch" Carina questioned "Of course" Maya replied.


"Sarge do you want to get lunch" Andy asked walking up to her bestfriend "I told Carina I would have lunch with her" Maya replied "We can all go together, Ryan is coming also so we can like double date" the Latina offered wiggling her eyebrows "I will get lunch with you but do not refer to it as a double date" Maya replied laughing "Let me go check with Carina and then I will let you know" the blonde women added standing up from her desk and walking towards the brunette.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2022 ⏰

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