Chapter 19

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Saturday 28th August 2021

"Okay we have to go"  Maya announced as she stood up from the table out the back "Where" Andy asked "Surprise but the car is here so we have to go" the blonde said holding her hand out for Carina who happily took ahold of it and the blonde lead her inside. "Are we okay" Maya whispered into the brunettes ear "Yes bambina we are okay" Carina confirmed pressing a soft kiss to the blondes lips "okay good let's go" Maya said keeping hold on the Italian's hand and walking towards the front door "A LIMO" Andy screamed "Yes a limo" Maya replied laughing. Andy, Vic and Michelle all running towards the limo, Maya shut the front door of the house and her and Carina walked towards the car "Jump in I just need to talk to the driver" the blonde said "Everything is all planned and ready for the whole evening miss Bishop" The Limo driver said where he was holding the door open for them all "Thankyou" the blonde simply replied before climbing into the car and taking a seat next to her Italian.

"I can't believe you got us a limo" Andy said in disbelief "Of course I did it's your bachelorette" Maya said laughing "Champagne" Michelle said excitedly grabbing the bottle and popping the cork out of it followed but a bunch of cheering. "If looks could kill" Maya said "I'm not doing anything" Carina shot back "You are staring at her like you are about to punch her" the blonde said moving her hand to the brunettes thigh and gently rubbing her thumb back and forward "I can't help it" the brunette said "I know and I am sorry but I can't do anything about my past" Maya replied "I know that it's just annoying have to hang out with people that have slept with you" Carina said "I know trust me tomorrow I have to go and sit through the wedding of someone you slept with 10 years" Maya said "That's different" Carina shot back annoyed "You two okay" Vic asked picking up on the tension between the two women "Yeah we are okay" Maya said Carina just nodding her head.

"We can talk about this later" Maya offered "Mhm" Carina hummed in reply "Whatever" the blonde said rolling her eyes and walking towards Andy to sit next to her bestfriend "you good Bishop" Andy asked "Yes all good" Maya said "You know I can see right through you what happened between you and Carina" the brunette asked "I don't actually know she learnt something new about me and well she isn't all to happy about it" Maya said "Well let's not worry about that tonight okay just take a drink and finish the glass and lets get fucked up because I am getting married" Andy said screaming the last part holding her glass up. Maya finished her glass of Champagne and put it down on the small table before making eye contact with the brunette, Maya gestured with her head for the brunette to come over and sit with her. "I'm sorry okay but let's not ruin our night I promise we can talk about it tomorrow and I will answer whatever questions you have just this is Andy's night and I don't want to fight through the whole thing" Maya said "Okay bambina" Carina simply replied.


The five women went to Le Bernardin for dinner where they indulged in many different drinks, Andy was without a doubt the drunkest of the five having been bought a lot of beverages from the other people dining at the same restaurant. "I need more alcohol" Andy said trying to gain the waiters attention "No no more" Maya said "It's my bachelorette" the brunette deadpanned "I know that we just have to go to the next place now so we can get more alcohol when we get there" Maya offered "Okay" Andy simply replied. "Can I get the cheque please" Maya asked as the waiter walked over "Of course babe" the young waiter replied causing Carina to whip her head around so quickly "breathe" the blonde said chuckling at the Italian's jealously was shinning through. "Here you go babe" the waiter said again "Thankyou here you go" Maya said pulling out a few hundred dollar bills and putting them into the cheque "I don't usually do this because I am technically on shift but you are really beautiful and I was wondering if I could leave you with my number" the waiter asked causing the Italian to choke on her water "You can't" Maya simply replied not giving the waiter another look.

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