Chapter 6

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Monday 19th July 2021

"You ready to go home" Andy asked "Uh yeah is Carina being discharged as well" Maya asked "I believe so" Andy replied "She has been staying with me the past few days" Maya admitted "Oh why" The brunette asked "Well she is divorcing her wife so she packed her stuff and I said she could stay with me whilst she was looking for a new place to live" Maya said "Oh okay" Andy said.

"Well let's go and check if she is ready" Andy said as the blonde moved to the wheelchair and the brunette started to push her "Hi" Maya said as they entered the Italian's room "Hi" Carina replied "You ready to go" Maya asked "Yeah I'm ready" Carina replied. "I want to walk" Maya said to her best friend "Okay" Andy said helping her get out of the chair "You okay to walk Carina" Andy asked "Si I have to walk to get my strength back up , we just need to go slow" Carina said.

"Okay you both will be okay" Andy asked as the three of them walked into the blonde's apartment "yes we will be fine" Maya replied Carina just nodding her head "Well don't hesitate to call me if you need anything okay, don't forget your medications both of you and get some rest" the Latina said before leaving the two women alone.

"What are you thinking" Carina asked as the blonde was in some sort of trance "Sorry what" Maya asked looking a the brunette "What are you thinking about" Carina asked again "Oh nothing sorry" The blonde replied. "Can you tell me what is going on please" the brunette asked "Nothing is going on Carina" Maya said "Why are you shutting me out" The brunette asked "I'm not trying to but this is all my fault and I don't know how to apologise for it" the American said "What do you mean" Carina asked "It is my fault, Blake was my ex and he held you and Vic hostage for hours and then I made a stupid call that almost got us both killed" The blonde said "Maya" Carina said "look at me" she added tilting the blonde's chin upwards "If it wasn't for your plan you could still be stuck with him or he could of killed you bambina, your idea was smart and it was brave" Carina said.

"I need to call my is um...bringing up a lot of things for me" The blonde stuttered out "Okay" Carina said nodding her head "Alright I will be right back" Maya said standing up and limping towards the kitchen. "All good" Carina asked from her place on the couch "yep I am going to go and see her tomorrow" Maya said sitting down next to the brunette "I need to change my dressing" Carina announced "Let me grab them" Maya said placing a hand over the Italian's essentially telling her to stay put. "Here" Maya said handing the dressing and medication to Carina "Thankyou bambina" Carina said.

"I might head to bed" Carina said "You okay to sleep by yourself" Maya asked "Yep I have to get used to it" the Italian replied "Okay" Maya said nodding at the brunette. "Do you like Carina" Andy texted the blonde "What are you talking about" Maya texted back "every time I look at you, you are staring at her, and the way you spoke about her to Arizona" Andy said back "And then you are letting her stay with you and covering for her mistakes" The brunette best friend "We just have a lot more in common then you think, nothing going on between us" Maya replied.

"Maya you awake" Carina asked knocking softly on the blonde's bedroom door "Yeah" Maya replied "Can't sleep" The blonde asked "Nope how about you" Carina asked "I was but I had a nightmare" Maya said. "Lay down" the blonde said patting the bed next to her "Tell me about it" Carina said "You want to hear about my nightmare" Maya asked "Yeah when I used to have nightmares I found that talking about them helped me to get away from them and be able to sleep" The Italian said.

"It was Blake he was holding you hostage, just you though not Vic and I went in to save you and when I tried to untie you he shot you 3 times and then he ran away" Maya said taking a deep breath "I untied you and then you bled out in my arms I tried so hard to save you but no one was coming to help me and you just died in my arms then I woke up" The blonde said "Oh bambina" Carina said turning and facing the blonde "I'm okay" Carina said grabbing the blonde's hand. "I'm fine look I'm right here and I'm not dying" the brunette said "I know that" Maya said.

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