Chapter 8

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Tuesday 10th August 2021

"Welcome back Bishop and Deluca" Captain Bailey said as she walked into the briefing room "Thankyou" Maya said Carina just smiling "You are both of desk duty until you are cleared to come back to work both physically and mentally okay" Bailey said "Understood" Carina said "Mhm" Maya just mumbled.

"Desk Duty sucks" Andy said to her best friend "I know" The blonde said "I think it is a good idea until we are both healed and ready to be back" Carina said earning a weird look from the blonde "No you don't agree got it" Carina said chuckling "Do you want coffee" Maya asked "Please" Carina said.

"When are you moving" Maya asked as the both of them made there way downstairs to the coffee cart "3 weeks time" Carina answered "Okay" Maya said "You alright" Carina asked "Yeah all good" the blonde answered. "You're funny with me" Carina said "No I'm not" Maya said "You are, every time I bring up moving or you bring it up you get funny with me" Carina stated "Sorry I don't mean to" Maya said.

"Okay then do you want to go out for drinks tonight" Carina asked "Yeah we can" Maya said "I was thinking of inviting the other girls along as well" The brunette said "Yeah that would be good" Maya answered "Okay good" Carina said trying not to act bothered by the way the blonde was acting.


"This sucks" Maya sighed walking back to her desk "Why so glum" Carina asked "I hate desk duty" the blonde said clicking a pen out and in "Stop that" the brunette said laughing "Sorry" Maya said putting her pen down. "How are you so happy to be on desk duty" Maya asked "I literally was held hostage and jumped in front of a gun a few weeks ago, I am not mentally ready to be back in the field and most definitely am not physically ready because my wounds are still a little tender" The brunette said.

"How are you so ready to go back into the field" Carina asked "What do you mean" Maya asked "Your crazy ex boyfriend that used to abuse you, held Vic and I hostage for an hour and then held you at gun point and shot you and you are just ready to go back to that action" the Italian asked "I've been going to my therapy and my leg is better" Maya said "Mentally Maya how can you just go back out there with the potential of getting another gun drawn on you" Carina said "I just move on from things" Maya said shrugging her shoulders "Maybe you shouldn't" The brunette answered.

"You always do that you move on from things to quickly" Carina said "Fuck you" Maya said "You don't know me" the blonde added "no I do and you know I know you and that scares you, you're scared that you opened up to me and that someone knows who you truely are" The Italian said "Forget I told you anything" Maya said standing up and walking towards the evidence room.

"I won't forget everything you told me Maya" Carina said following the blonde and shutting the door behind them "Leave me alone Carina" Maya said "No you're scared to go back into the field but you are pretending it's no big deal. You rarely sleep at home every time there is a loud noise you jump" Carina said "So do you" Maya said "I know I do and that's why I notice that you do it as well but I'm not saying I want to go back to active duties you are" the Italian said.

"I'm sorry" Maya said "What for" Carina asked "For speaking to you the way I did" Maya said "I just hate desk duty but you're right I'm not ready to go back to active duty" the blonde said "Good" Carina said. "Can I ask you a question" the brunette said "You can" Maya confirmed "Do you not want me to move out" the Italian asked. "What do you mean" Maya asked "Every time I bring up the topic of me moving out you get like angry at me and stop speaking to me for like half an hour so what's the deal" Carina asked.

"I just it's been really nice to not be living alone and the thought of being alone is making me feel sick" Maya said "Like I was not bothered about you leaving because I knew eventually you would and then the whole thing with Blake happened and I'm just.. it's not even only me I'm worried about you I held pressure on your wounds the whole time were bleeding out in front of me Carina and I'm scared for you and I'm scared for me" Maya admitted feeling small for sharing how she feels with the brunette.

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