Chapter 18

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Friday 27th August 2021

"Wow" Carina said hurt by the blondes words "I didn't mean it like that" Maya said "Well that's how it sounded" the brunette said "I just I love it here okay I do but it isn't worth staying here if he doesn't go to jail because I would rather start over in a new country then stay here and be scared to live my life be scared to go home incase I get dragged into a bush god I'm scared to even have sex with you Carina he ruined me" Maya said "You want to start a new life" Carina asked confused "If I have to then yes I will" the blonde said "and what I'll just stay here in New York" the brunette asked "No you can come with me we can start over together away from all this shit" Maya offered "If it comes to it I would move with you in a heart beat but we aren't there yet okay we have a few months before we are at that point" Carina said "I know but I don't want to get attached to you for me to have to leave and you not want to come with me" the blonde said "I'll come with you anywhere" Carina confirmed.

"You are scared to have sex with me" the Italian asked "Not you just sex in general" Maya said "I have been pushing it off because I wanted to make sure we had an emotional connection but I already knew that the day I laid eyes on you I just am afraid to have sex again and god I want to have sex with you so bad but I just can't yet and that's frustrating for me because I am sex deprived and I know you are as well" the blonde said "I am I haven't had sex in months but I am not going to rush you into anything you aren't ready for when the time is right then the time is right" the brunette simply replied "I know we technically aren't together so if you wanted to leave and go find someone who isn't as damaged as me and someone who isn't going to move countries on you and someone who will give you sex then I would understand" Maya said "Are you crazy I am not leaving I am not going to find anyone else to fuel my sexual desires I can manage with just my fingers and my vibrator until you are ready" Carina said "Wow" the blonde said throwing her head back laughing "What a girl needs to orgasm" the brunette said "I know but you are just so open with it" the American said "Sex is normal and everyone does it so I am not ashamed of talking about it" Carina simply replied.

Saturday 28th August 2021

"Turn it off" Maya groaned as the brunettes phone rang through the bedroom "Sorry" Carina said quick to answer her phone and walk out of her room to allow the blonde a few extra minutes of sleep. "Hello" Carina said "Hi I'm surprised you answered" Arizona's voice said from the other side of the phone "Yeah what's up" the brunette whispered "I'm out the front of your house and I know it sounds weird but I need to talk to someone and it needs to be you please" Arizona begged "Okay just give me a second" the brunette said walking towards her room and shutting the door to not wake Maya up before walking to her front door and opening it to reveal her ex wife.

"What do you need" Carina asked stepping to the side to allow the blonde into her house "Nice house" Arizona said looking around noticing extra shoes at the door along with extra jackets hanging up "I'm sorry I didn't know you had company" the blonde said "it's okay she's asleep" the brunette said walking into the kitchen and putting on a pot of coffee. "Why are you here in my kitchen on a Saturday morning" Carina asked confused "I think I am having cold feet" the blonde admitted "about getting married" the Italian asked "Mhm" Arizona hummed in reply "Well that is pretty normal" Carina said "Yeah but am I making a mistake am I moving on to fast I have only been with her two months why are we rushing into marriage" Arizona asked "Just relax okay you moved on quickly yes but our marriage was over years ago we just ignored it and pretended we were fine and happy when we weren't but I don't think it is a mistake I have seen the way you are around Callie and it's magical" Carina said "You think" Arizona asked "Mhm yeah the way you feel about her I know that feeling well" the brunette said.

"Okay I needed to hear that I needed to make sure I was doing the right thing" Arizona said "I am happy you have found someone to be with and someone who makes you so happy" Carina said "Thankyou , how about you are you seeing someone or multiple people" the blonde asked just as her bedroom door opened "Ooo am I about to meet the mystery women" Arizona asked "Baby we have to go back to my......" Maya stoped dead in her tracks when she saw Arizona sitting at the bench drinking a cup of coffee with Carina leaning against the bench on the other side "Maya" Arizona said "Arizona" Maya replied through a tight lipped smile.

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