Chapter 30

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Monday 11th October 2021

"You thought so" Carina asked "Mhm you are so smart gosh I love you" the blonde said pressing her lips to the brunettes "I love you" Carina replied smiling widely at her girlfriend "Are we free to go home" Carina asked.

"What the hell Deluca" Travis yelled walking into the bullpen "What" Carina asked confused "This was my case and you completely undermined me" the brunette man said angry lacing his voice "I figured it out because of my knowledge with the brother not you and I will not apologise for it" the Italian women replied turning her attention back to her girlfriend.

"This conversation isn't finished" Travis announced walking closer to the Italian women "Travis back off man just be glad it's all over and done with we did it we got him and he will go to jail and so will his brother stop worrying about who did what" Carina offered "I needed to be the one to solve it" the brunette man said now pacing the bullpen back and forward "what's going on" Carina asked concerned "Bailey is going to be so angry at me" Travis said "I'm going to be suspended without pay she said if I figured it out then I would be fine but the DA's office won't be happy either" the detective said "Just tell Bailey you figured the connection out and that you asked me to go in there because you didn't want to miss the deadline and I'll go by the same story" Carina offered.

"Sarge will tell her" Travis said "Don't worry about Maya" Carina said giving the man a soft smile before walking back towards her girlfriends desk "What was that outburst about" the blonde asked confused "Apparently Bailey said if he didn't find evidence he would be suspended without pay" the Italian said "So he should be" Maya said nodding her head "What" the Italian women asked confused "He made a mistake and arrested the perp way to quickly he should have waited until he figured out what you did, so the way I see it he should be suspended" Maya said turning her attention back to the report she was typing up.

"You are kidding right" the brunette asked "Not at all" Maya replied "We figured it out so why does it matter what happened he made a mistake but we worked it out" Carina shot back "You worked it out and I'm in charge of this detective squad and it makes me look like i don't know what's going on within my team so if Bailey doesn't suspend him I will" the blonde said before standing up and walking into the captains office.

"I'm sorry Travis I tried to talk to Maya but she still thinks you should have some time off" Carina said "It's fine i might need a bit to clear my head anyways I am sorry for the outburst I caused" Travis said pulling his co worker in for a hug.


"Captain" Maya said walking into Baileys office "Sargent" Miranda replied "It's all sorted Jeremy and Jake are both in the holding cell I have spoken to the DA and the situation is all cleared up" the blonde said "Good, go home or go out for some drinks with the team they earned it" Bailey said "I would like to suspend Travis" Maya said "It's not necessary Bishop it all worked out in the end he made an error in judgement just give him a warning and make him buy a round of drinks" Miranda said "Now angry captain, get your team in order Bishop or so help me god" the captain added before saying her goodbyes to the team and making her way home for the night.

"Maya hey do you want to go for drinks to celebrate" Carina asked watching the blonde walk out of the captains office "There is nothing to celebrate" Maya replied shortly "What's wrong" the brunette asked "My detective squad is a joke and think they can do whatever they want, Travis messed up big time today and you are all laughing and going to celebrate it" Maya said chuckling softly "Maya what is your problem" Carina said now getting irritated with the blondes behaviour "Go and celebrate I'll see you later" Maya said pressing a kiss to her girlfriends cheek before grabbing her bag and walking towards the elevator.

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