Whats happening!?

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Y/n pov.

I finally pulled myself out of the bed. But when I did I felt a weird pain "why do my ears hurt." When I put my hand up to touch it my heart skipped a beat. I rushed over to the mirror and pushed my hair behind my ears. I took a shaky breath as I looked at my pointed elvish looking ears "what th-" I also noticed a few of my teeth were unnaturally sharp and pointed.

I put a hand over my hand and my hair feel to cover my ears. "I- what's happening to me..."

My eyes also had a unnatural black slit for my pupil. And the more I seemed the panic the worse everything got as my hands and feet slowly started to take on a grey color that was traveling up them slowly as her heart rate spike she glanced at the mirror again and her eyes where black and a yellowish color.

A knock was heard at my door and it was like everything froze as I heard technoblades voice.

"Hey ive got lunch I'm coming in ok?"

So I yelled the first thing that came into mind. "Wait-" and I held the door closed


"I-I'm changing just set it outside and I'll grab it once I'm done."

"Oh... sorry I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable" I heard the click of the plate being set down. "Don't stay in there all day tho... me and Phil are worried about you." He said before I heard his footsteps leave.

I let out a sigh of relief of sigh and stood up and  peeked under the  door before I opened it and grabbed the food and closed my door again. I looked down at the F/F and sighed and started to eat.

I wasn't paying too much attention but when I had calmed down I had gone back to normal other then the ears and teeth.  I changed and then left down to go put the dishes back.

"Kiddo?" Philzas voice rang out.

"Ye-yeah..." I said already knowing what he was gonna talk about.

"Have your ears always been that pointy? Or is that new?"

I felt my ears lower slightly which was new to me. "I mean... I don't think I had pointy ears this morning..."

"I thought so, why don't you sit down and talk to us."

A knock was heard at the door and my heart rate spiked for a second.

Techno pov.
Philza got up to go get the door but I saw Y/n physically jump when it rang and her pupils had gone from normal pupils to slits in a matter of seconds. Before turning back when she saw whoever was at the door.

"Dream..." she muttered out quietly. And I sighed before I got up.

"Oi! Is that the homeless dude?" I teased.

"I'm not homeless!"

"Whatcha doing here dream?"

"I wanted to hang out with Y/n I didn't realize she had a bodyguard assigned to her."

"Ha Ha shes busy-"

"I'd love to hang out with you dream" I looked over at her as she threw her shoes on and ran out of the door.

I looked at Philza and sighed "Let's follow them." My eyes narrowed at the sight of the two of them left extremely fast.

Philza sighed and looked at me "give her space techno... she's allowed to have her own friends and life... she'll open up to use whenever she is ready to. Just... we have to be patient." He sighed out. "But I'm totally with you her somethings wrong and we need to keep an eye on her but dream he's neutral enough to know he won't do anything too stupid."

I just sighed and watched from the window as the two figures got farther and farther until I could no longer see them.

Dream pov.
I looked at Y/n who seemed a little shaken up. "I was gonna ask for some help but if somethings wrong-"

"Dream I'm not from this world..."

"Woah! What!?" I looked at Y/n seriously. Before I nervously laughed "your kidding right?"

When she turned to me I realized how serious she was. "Dream... I had just woken up her one day... apparently techno found me half dead on the snow... and recently I've been spacing out..."

Her voice go more shaky as she went and I noticed her fingertips had started to turn a dark grey and it was spreading up her arm slowly. "An-and I found myself back home... and se- and when I got back I started to to notice weird things about me... my body changed when I got upset and I look differently... I'm-im really scared... and confused..."

At this point the grey was barely past her wrist but it seemed to pause. When I put a hand on her shoulder "well let's calm down first cause it's trying to happen again I think..."

"Just take a few deep breaths and look me in the eyes" I noticed her eyes had even changed and her eyes and teeth too. "Just keep a calm clear head and let just go cause some trouble to make ya feel better alright?"

I wasn't attached or anything to the female but she would need a clear head for what I needed help with no way I'd let one of technos group get too close to me... she did build me a house tho....

"Dream are we friends? Or just in a partnership?"

I just sighed no denying it was it. "Yeah we are friends." I smiled "now let's go blow some stuff up. What do ya say."

I saw a small smiles appear on her face. "Can we place the TNT in the shape of a smiley face?"

I just kinda laughed at this "yeah we can put it in the shape of a smiley face you dork."

Her smile grew and in that moment I had decided ok friendship is definitely tolerable  and I may of only known her for a short amount of time but I think this partnership could work out.
A/n make sure you click the ⭐️ below and feel free to check out my other books hope you enjoy!

Love y'all~

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