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Y/n POV.
It took me a second to process I was on the other side of the tree now but when I didn't I knock a couple times on the tree. "Hey mr you never told me your name."

I watched as the foggy black mist reappeared. " I do not have a name."

I narrowed my eyes "is there something you want me to call you then?" When I got no answer I smiled "of oh course I understand it must be terribly hard to pick a name so here let me do it for you. It'll be totally unique and no one will share it with you."

I smiled and clapped my hands together "I'll call you mr no name."

"What no!" I heard him complain and I just smiled.

"Bye mr no name I have to gonehn along now and find Ranboo I probably scared him... I'll see you again tonight once I make sure no one else is awake I... I want to keep this a secret..." I saw him nod before he disappeared back into the spirit world.

I thought I heard leaves rustling so I walked around to the other side of the tree the ground was dry "Ranboo must've left not to long ago... Geez it's raining... I hope I didn't trouble him too much..."

I walked off through the rain and I didn't realize I was still transformed until the ground was growing wherever I had stepped. "Shot um... how do I..." I focused and calmed my breathing. It didn't work "mr no name!" I yelled and walked back to the tree "how do I fix this!" I didn't touch the tree scared I'd fall in again.

He appeared "figure it out you were so good at doing that before~"

I glared at him. But I was brought away from it when I thought I saw something pink in the tree I took a double take and didn't see it anymore 'weird... now I'm seeing stuff.'

"That was different and you know it! Talking about that did I leave my other clothes in there too?"

"Anything you bring in there disappears when you leave."

I groaned "of course cause why would anything go my way... these work for now but I'll have to sneak into my window now-" I looked up and he was gone. "And he's gone..." i growled

"No respect" I muttered sure enough it took me sometime to figure it out but I felt myself shrink back into my normal body. Surprisingly the clothes I had made fore myself did as well.

"Now Ranboo..." I reminded myself as I walked off towards that way.

Techno Pov.
I was so happy when I heard y/n but she was talking to someone i instinctively climbed up
Into the tree as quiet as possibly and hid in the leaves I couldn't get a good view but I could listen.

I heard her start to walk
Away and I was going to escape but that's when I got the best view y/n was really tall her hands and feet were that gray and it faded into a green her clothes... they were made out of... vines and stuff? Hide when I saw her looking this way I stayed hidden until I was sure she was gone.

I did get a few things out what i heard and saw. I climbed down and left to go find Philza I ran out of the forest and made it home I record time. "Phil!" I yelled.

Philza came down the stairs and looked at me "you didn't find her?"

"No I did and that the problem." I grumbled out "tonight we need to pretend that we sleep but y/n is gonna sneak out I wanna follow her "

He looked at me confused "why?"

I found her she was at the tree and she was talking to someone talking about howd they'd meet up in secret and practice something... not only that but when I found her she was fully transformed... she wants to keep it a secret from uswhen she gets back I'm gonna-"

"Hold on she was fully transformed?"

"Yeah and wearing these wear flower vines thingy outfit... she gonna sneak into her room I'm guessing to change before she shows herself so I say we don't in her room and wait for her-"

"No that wouldn't do anything other then give away we are suspicious let her plan go how she wants it but we will be following her tonight."

I nodded

Y/n pov.

I found my way to ranboos house. And I knocked on the door. I saw tubbo answer the door. "Y/n?"

"Tubbo I need to speak with Ranboo, it's super important."

"Y/n your soaked come inside let me get you a towel to dry off..." I enter red the house and waited by the door and sure enough tubbo came back with a towel and I dried off as best as I could before I went off towards where tubbo said Ranboo was.

"Ranboo!" I said as I entered the room.

"Y/n?" He looked at me. "Where did you go? And why'd you change?"

I walked up toHim and have him some head pats. "Sorry I disappeared there... you were right I shouldn't of messed with the tree I won't go near it again."

He nodded and seemed to be feeling better. "I promise I won't scar ya again ok bud?"

He smiled and I saw his tag swaying back and forth so I figured I had made him happy. "Ok....can I have a few more head pats?"

I smiled at his childish behavior but gave him a few more head pats anyways "well I gotta get home. I promise I'll come visit and hang out with you again a ok?"

He smiled "ok!" I left and was about to leave when tubbo stopped me.

"Listen y/n... you really freaked him out there... I don't know what happened or why it happened all I know is what I saw and what Ranboo tried to explain to me... it would make me feel a lot better if I knew what-"

I smiled at tubbo "I'm really glad it was you who married him." I said which cause him to be shocked "don't worry I don't plan to make Ranboo feel that way ever again. He's feeling better now why don't you go talk to him?" I offered him and smile before I left again.

3rd person.

Tubbo stood there and watched as the person left the house. "I don't know who that was..." his fist clenched.

"but that thing wasn't Y/n."
A/n make sure  you click the ⭐️ below and feel free to check out my other books hope you enjoy!

Love y'all~

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