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Techno pov.

I stepped back and watched the fight with Ranboo. When a shadowy figure appeared besides y/n it was hard to make anything out but it looked like when y/n transformed fully. It was the height of Ranboo and it had its hands on her shoulders.

"How about we make a deal child?" I could hear it from here.

"Screw off! I don't have time to be doing this!" Y/n growled up you could tell she was getting tired.

"Oh come on, it's the same deal I've asked you every night for the past couple days... it seems fair to me~"

"No." Y/n said quieter.

"Oh you know as well as I do that you won't be able to beat him in this form-"

"I said NO DEAL DAMN IT!" I she yelled as I saw a vine cut his cheek.

Y/n brought the vine to her and wiped off whatever was on it onto her thumb and from ther she licked her thumb.

"It's red techno... her aura... it's a dangerous red"

Y/n pov

I felt my body transform the rest of the way. "Now you've made me really mad." I growled out.

This time it wasn't vines that shot out of the ground but what could've been roots I raised my hand into the air and clenched it into a fist as they all sharpened and shot forward as a fast speed I watched him struggle to dodge everything.

And I smiled as I saw a couple of them hit. "God I can't even help it! I want you to scream for me ok? Let me know how bad it hurts!" I yelled those words weren't my own... well in a way I really did feel that way but I could hear something whispering into me ear.

"I won't let you beat me a pathetic halfblood!" He yelled.

"Halfblood?" I laughed I felt a lot of thing start to bubble inside of me. "I wouldn't call myself that~ oh no no no." I giggled and put a hand to my face before I pushed my hair out of my face. "This is a curse that was forced upon me but you know what? It's kinda fun~"

I saw him retreated into the spirit world and I smiled "oh hell no I won't let you get away!" I went to jump in after him but I felt someone pull me away. Instinctively I turned around rather quickly ready for a fight be when I saw Ranboo looking at me worried I felt myself calm down.

"Y/n... is this what you were talking about... when you told me and Tommy before you disappeared?"

"Let me go..." I felt my body get heavy "I need too... catch.... Him"

I shot up in a panic and looked around. I was still in the woods.

"Hey- y/n it's ok."

I turned and saw techno I noticed he was holding me as I sat on his lap. " wh-what happened?"

He looked at me "you kinda went crazy not gonna lie."

I looked down "oh... I'm sorry I... I can't remember it. The last thing I Remember is working with Mr no name..."

"Mr who?" Techno asked and I felt my blood run colds

"No one! It's no one forget I said anything-" I was cut off when I felt a lot kiss on my
Cheek and then techno rested his chin on the top of my head.

"Stop lying... listen I'm not good at this whole... thing we have going on here... day your all happy and good... the next your mad and we work through it and end up kissing.... Y/n you have me so confused, and worried all the time."

I sat there and I started to feel guilty... was I really playing with his feelings that way? "I'm sorry..." I mumbled out quietly.

"Y/n I don't know how you feel about me but I know how I feel about you... and it's it's something new to me. But I still know that I love you.... And I have for a while I've been scared to say anything cause I-I know that your probably don't feel the same . And I didn't want to make you uncomfortable an-and..." I stoped him.

"Techno... I really like you too. I'd be lying though if I said I wasn't scared... I'm scared that if I was to die here id be forced to live alone in my world... I-I've been scared for a little bit so I stayed away to get stronger but even now... I almost got myself into that situation again today... god I'm im so sorry..."

I felt techno pull me closer as he snuggled me "why are you apologizing?"

"Because I kept sneaking off at night to meet up with this guy so he could teach me about my powers but I ended up getting you and Ranboo involved Andy know I scared him... not to mention I worried you-" I saw him smile a little bit.

"I'm gonna be honest seeing you go a bit crazy was kinda attractive... but we do I have a slight problem with that."

I looked at him feeling a blush from his
Comment but also feeling confused "what's the problem?"

"In your scary lady form your taller then Me and that's not allowed." I just let out a little laugh at his thoughts.

"Ok so now here's my question..." I could already tell from the tone of his voice he was serious. "At one point there was a shadowy mass surrounding you... talking. Y/n what was that?"

I just kinda looked towards the woods I knew he was trying to figure everything out but... I didn't want to tell him something in me didn't want to tell him.

'Oh come on little one tell Him about me~ he's already seen that ugly side of you might as well come clean and get over the fact that head gonna freak out.' I heard quietly.

"It's... honestly I'm not sure... that's the first time over ever had that happen." I said quietly.

'Oh~ well this just got interesting why'd you lie to him?~' it spoke and I just ignored it.
A/n make sure  you click the ⭐️ below and feel free to check out my other books hope you enjoy!

Love y'all~

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