Waiting for you.

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Techno POV.

I woke up and found myself in my room. I got up and walked down to the living room. "Philza? What time is it?" I asked as I adjusted my mask and clipped it into place.

"It's almost noon techno you slept pretty good last night."

"I wouldn't say that... y/n tried to escape into a snowstorm last night." I said sitting down.

"Is that why when I woke up I found you two sleeping together?"

I looked at Philza "yeah? I didn't want her to wonder off again so I figured it would be for the best. Why?"

Philza sighed "techno there was no ulterior motives right?"

I felt my face go warm. "What!? No!"

I watched as Philza stood up. "Ok good just make sure if you do that again you respect her wishes ok? I know nothing happened and everything was fine last night so I'm just simply giving you advice be mindful about her feelings ok?"

I nodded my head "talking about y/n where is she?"

I heard Philza laugh "I made her mad this morning so she went for a walk about an hour ago."

"How'd you make her mad? And do you know when she'll be back?" I asked now curiosity getting the better of me.

"She let it slip that she thinks of my as a fatherly figure so I teased her about it."

I rolled my eyes "oh so you were just being yourself" I said jokingly.

"Hey! You can't deny it at one point you felt the same. And no I don't know when she will I figure she ran into Tommy or someone at this point and is having her fun-"

*y/n fell out of the world*

I was literally speechless. "The hell?! How does she even do that!" I heard Philza say.

I was already getting dressed "you wait to see if she Respawns here I'm going to go look for her. It might just at be a mistake I don't think you can really fall out of the world." I said as I opened the door and left.

I noticed footprints in the snow. It hadn't snowed since she left which was a relief I could follow her footsteps for a little bit. But as I started to walk I noticed something... "isn't this the direction she ran off to last night as well?" Something about this didn't sit well with me.

It took me about 30 mintues worth of walking it ha Debstarted raining during that time when I came across the clearing we had talked. Ranboo was sitting against it and tubbo was with him as well. An umbrella in hand and over Ranboo.

"Hey guys have you seen Y/n there was a weird message-"

I saw Ranboo look down rather guilty. "Ranboo... have you seen her?"

"I- yeah... I walked over and noticed the weird patch of flowers they were sitting on it was the same togeather of flowers that y/n had braided into my hair...

"Those flowers don't grow naturally here" I said as I approached the two.

"Yeah I think... I think y/n grew them..." I nodded.

"So what happened since I know you know." Tubbo looked at me he seemed worried and confused.

"I found her out here this morning and when I got closer she was examining a scratch mark on the tree... I was worried for some reason... I-I can't remember why... but something was wrong.... I remember she touched it and then she was gone and the message appeared...."

I looked at the tree "Ranboo there's no scratches on this tree..."

"There was- I... I know there was... th-there had to be... at-at least I th-think..."

I sighed "tubbo I think he needs to go home.... I'll keep looking for y/n thanks for you help."

Tubbo smiled and nodded and helped Ranboo up and kept the umbrella over him "let's get you home big guy."

I watched the two of them leave and I examined the tree some more. I sat down the the dry patch Ranboo and tubbo where sitting at. "This is crazy... a tree? She disappeared into a tree? Did it like swallow her whole or something?"

I sighed "Ranboo I hope your right and I'm not just sitting here like an idiot..." I said quietly as I waited.

Y/n pov.

I was taken much deeper into the forest and into a part that I hadn't recognized before everything was dark but as he took a step forwards the grown lit up and fireflies took off into the air and lit up the place I watched in awe of the beauty of this place.

"Woah..." I muttered to myself

"Each one of these fireflies is a soul currently in the world at the moment. So be very careful with them- well that one likes you."

I smiled at the little firefly who had landed on my hand. "Yeah I wonder who it is-" I was swarmed but a few more.

I counted there was six in total that had landed on me and chilled.  I smiled "do you think they are me friends-"

"No." I was taken back "your a nature spirit of course they'd want to be near you just like animals love you people will naturally be drawn to you those six could be anyone in the world don't get ahead of yourself."

I nodded as I started to walk away the fireflies flew away but the one that had found me first I raised my hand "hey buddy go play with your friends..." I said quietly as I watched it fly off.

I looked down and continued to follow the other spirit that was guiding me. But I paused "wait I have to go home!"

I said in a hurry. "I have a person who's probably torn up have of the smp trying to find me by now..."

The spirit nodded and lead me back to portal. "When you get back to the world you will be able to visit here whenever you need to."

I nodded and stepped through the portal I was on the other side of the tree now.
A/n make sure  you click the ⭐️ below and feel free to check out my other books hope you enjoy!

Love y'all~

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