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Philza pov

I opened the cell and we walked in and waited for y/n to Respawn.

"Pttss... is Seth gone?" We heard quietly causing a few of us to jump.

I looked under the bed to see y/n's small frame. "Yeah..." I helped her out from under it and she sighed before she jumped up and hugged me.

"Hey Philza..."

"Hey kiddo..."

"Um y/n why'd you Respawn under the bed?"

She looked at them all confused "when he shot the firework I dove under the bed to not get killed a second time"

That's when a mad technoblade came back.

Y/n pov.

I locked eyes with techno before I looked away and continued my conversation "y/n I'm so sorry it was fireworks trust me when I say those suck..." tubbo said as he looked down and I understood.

"Ah it's not that bad I got a pretty rad scar look!" I lifted up my shirt enough to show them the newest scar to my collection. And I smiled "scar buds?" I asked and held out my first tubbo fist bumped mine and smiled back.


That when people were literally shoved out of the way as techno found me and pulled me into a hug. I tried to resist I... I was still mad... no not mad I was still frustrated with him... no not even that... I was just... I don't want to rely on him. But I'm this moment he felt so comforting and warm and yeah o gave into the hug and practically melted into the touch.

"I'm so sorry for a lot of things y/n but I'm sorry for not getting here fast enough you lost two of your lives I- I know you must've been scared I-" it dawned on me he still thought I was the same helpless girl.

I pushed away from him and he looked at me confused "1 life I only lost one" I said seriously

"Stop lying we heard the explosion-"

"I hid under the bed and took no damage techno I'm not helpless anymore." I said seriously and Philza and them confirmed that I was still alive.


"Stop techno... I understand you still think I'm that helpless girl you saved but I'm not... I'm not some damsel in distress who's needs saving I can save myself tho I am greatful you guys all where so worried and came down here to help me."

"We literally just saved you y/n! You can't say that-"

" techno before her shot at me I almost had knocked him out I gave him a concussion for sure when I slammed his head against the bars it would've take some work but once I figured out I could hid under the bed I would've been able to escape. " I pushed past him and walked out of the room.

"By the way I don't care who get ahold of Dream next. But that bitch owes me a life and I intent to take it myself" I growled out as I left the others following me quietly.

I could see Tommy tubbo ranbo and Philza all scheming something from the corner of my eyes but I didn't care enough to bother with it when we got back to the surface I flipped down to the ground and just laid there.

"Hey y/n tomorrow wanna hang out with me and Ranboo?" Tubbo asked me happily.

"Sure I guess what do you guys have planned so I know how to dress. "

He just smiled "oh don't worry wear whatever you are right now we will bother with that when you get here!"

I nodded and watched them walk off. Before I finally stood up and tommy walked up
To me. "Hey wanna come hang out with me Y/n? We have a lot to catch up on."

I smiled and nodded "yeah I'll hang out with ya today!"

"Philza I'm gonna go run with tommy today is my old room still open?"

"Yeah we will see you there tonight!"

And with that I ran off with tommy.he lead me all the way to a bench by a cliff side. "Sit down y/n!" I did as he pulled out a dics and played some music.

"Hey you really went off on techno down there... he really was just worried y/n."

I looked down "I know... it's just..." I sighed. "Tommy I don't want to depend on him anymore I don't want him to think I'm
Helpless... I want to be equals,"

"Y/n I know your not telling the whole truth... what's else is bugging you?"

I looked at him hating that I was caught. "Tommy my world is much different then this world there are billions more people then heir are here... and your not always sure who you can or can't trust... you can meet 100 new people each day if you really wanted to. And even then we are way more advanced then you guys... phones computers games and cars..."

"Your world sounds crazy..."

"It is... and for the past year I've lived on my own and survived on my own... so I just I just thought maybe I'd finally be able to get over techno... and for the longest a time I really thought I had Tommy I even went out and made it a point to talk to other guys..."

Tommy looked at me and put a hand on my shoulder as we continue to listen to the music and talk. "So why... why is it that as soon as I come back I just wanna run back to him I thought I had changed so much but I'm still the same-"

"Normally I'm all here for letting people talk but listen to me... you've changed so much it's crazy to think this is still you... your like a whole new person but you can only come out of your shell so much because no matter what your core is always the same your heart is always the same." He offered me one of his smiles and it was infectious as I smiled back.

"B-but what if he think I'm still the same.. he didn't like me before why would he like me now?"

Tommy shrugged "you'd be interested to hear he'd wake up every morning and search for you since you ran away he's kinda of a simp y/n..."
A/n make sure  you click the ⭐️ below and feel free to check out my other books hope you enjoy!

Love y'all~

Blood God. (Technoblade X reader.)Where stories live. Discover now