Final boss pt2

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Techno pov.
We were all watching in horror as the cage went back into the room as before where we could hear and see everything but we all had a bad feeling in our stomachs. Ranboo and Tommy where trying to calm down tubbo who was in the middle of a panic attack due to the fireworks he was forced to watch strike at y/n.

We looked back up at the screen when we heard the words Seth was spewing.

"You just a weak helpless girl, I mean seriously! You should've just taken you life when you live up in our world!" He was laughing.

"Like come on y/n! Let's just both be honest for a second here. Your just some worthless girl who's in over her head. Your beaten already! I mean your friends fail and your weaker then all of them! Why even bother?!" He watched as he pointed his firework launcher at her point blank.

"Your right... I ask myself all the time, why even bother."

"Y/n! No don't give up!" Ranboo yelled

"Y/n I swear to god if you let that prick win!" Tommy chimed in.

"Come on mate your stronger then this!"

I finally chimed it. "Y/n if you give up I swear I'll come down there!"

We walk watched in horror he he started to pull the trigger.

Y/n pov.

"Why bother... it's such a simple question but I can't answer it. Maybe I just don't want a loser like you to be the one to end me!" I yelled as I punched him and dropped down and kicked his stomach.

I saw him Stumble back and he smirked "I hate it when you get that fire in your eyes!" He threw the cross bow and pulled out a sword.

I eyed the sword carefully. But he charged and started attacking rather fast. "You made your mistake when you brought my friends into this..." I growled out.

"You can kill me torture or whatever the hell you want to me... but I never want to see tubbo look so scared ever! I don't want to see any of them looking weak cause they aren't! So don't try to make them!" I screamed.

"Seth I swear to god I will be taking your last life! Even if it costs me my own!" I yelled at him.

The battle started and honestly I was getting beaten, I was tired... my body was beaten up and I could perform like I would've like if we were still in the prison.

He had me pinned to the ground foot on my stomach and sword at my neck. "You were saying? I'll take your lays life even if it's the last thing I do?"

"Jinx? Are you still there?" I said as tears fell from the corner of my way as pain ached through my body. He raised his sword


"I'm sorry I failed." I said quietly as the sword came down.

"Don't worry too much kiddo just give me the permission."

" I give you permission-"  I was cut off when I felt a sword go through my chest.

"Yes! That's perfect my dear! Thats the look!"  I heard Seth yell as everything blacked out.

Techno pov.

"No!" I yelled along with everyone else.

"No no no! There's no way! Y/n's too... no she's strong! She can't be..." Tommy started.

"Guys what was she mumbled when she..." Ranboo asked speechless

Tubbo was crying In the corner

Philza's hat casted a shadow on his face the text appeared in our vision.

*y/n was slain by Seth using diamond sword*

I watched as her body Turned into pixels and faddd away into the air.  "Y/n!" I screamed. Before I just curled up and put hands over my ears the voices going crazy in my head. They were demanding blood... but not just anyone's no they wanted seths.

"Guys... who's that-" a sudden booming sound came over the sound system we looked up and there was y/n. She was fully transformed but he eyes held a different look in them. It wasn't her

Jinx pov.
I took over the girls body and I broke down the door vines armed with deadly thorns flowing into the room. And surrounding it without moments.

"I'm sorry brat, I hate to do this to you... actually I don't but, I know it's gonna hurt so try to bear it just enough for me to kill this insignificant human ok?"  I said calmly listening to the crying of Y/n from within me.

I turned to Seth who was staring to look panicked. "I bet you didn't expect this
Did you?" My smile grew and I leaned down to make eye contact "you see I'm the spirit that you forced to share a soul with this girl. And you see her souls can't handle my full power like right now so practical feels like she being torn apart anytime I take control."

"So I want you to feel the same! Why don't  you join her suffering!" I yelled as the vines shot out.

"No! I've come so far! Too far for you to get in my way!" Seth yelled as he dodged my attacks.

But I smiled and once he jumped into the air I shot the vines trapping  him in the thorny prison. I shrunk it and forced the vines to spin around I heard screams of pain and some blood dripped to the ground but I kept at it till I saw what I was looking for.

*seth was torn to pieces by Ÿ/-JÎñX*

The text was glitchy when it came to the name but once  the pixels flew off and I undid the vines and broke the glass form the room infront of me and pulled the lever and held it sure enough the group came down.

I walked up to them and examined the group. "Tch... this is what she got so attached to pathetic I hope all of you learn something from today. You better value this girl with your lives cause she willing gave up her own for you." I growled out.
A/n make sure  you click the ⭐️ below and feel free to check out my other books hope you enjoy!

Love y'all~

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