Unspoken words

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Y/n pov.

After I had punched him it was something in him snapped... I...all I could do was dodge and hope not to be caught cause i was scared what would happen if he got ahold of me but I wasn't prepared when he grabbed out a dagger... he was trying to actually kill me and I could hardly dodge him before he just gave himself range... I couldn't help but keep thinking over it as Tommy got out a cleaning solution and cleared out the cuts I had gotten from techno.

"I'm sorry... I really am Tommy I-I don't know what got into him... I-I I never though he's attack me... my god Tommy... he was trying to actually hurt me."

Tommy just looked down at me and offered me a hug. "Y/n... has he done that before? Even before The fight broke out you looked terrified." He gently took off the cape that techno had yet to steal back and sat down besides me.

"No I promise technos never hurt me before... it's just in that moment... he just looked so much like Seth..."  I started to shake and tears threatened to fall.

I saw Tommy tense up as I said his name. "That prick... " I heard Tommy growl out.  "Y/n he's dead and no one here even if he wasn't would let him near you."

"I know it's just... damn it I finally felt strong Tommy! Like I could actually protect myself out there but I couldn't! The second I was thrown into any type of danger I could barely even breath! I got my ass handed to me Tommy! And knowing techno he wasn't even trying! Chase let be honest if he was I wouldn't be alive!" I broke down.

"You don't know that-"

"Tommy I'm not even worth the effort to fight properly if he wanted to he would've used his axe and potions but I'm not even worth the trouble! I'm just as weak and helpless as before!and I'm starting to think I always
will-" I was cut off by a hug Tommy had engulfed me in I clutched to him and cried for a little bit.

"Y/n... are you ok?" Ranboo's voice rang out

"No... she's a bit shaken up her and techno got into a real fight... it scared her... she said it reminded her of Seth. " I was too busy crying to process the venom that rolled off of Tommy's voice when he said the name.

I felt Tommy loosen his grip on me as I was picked up "come on Tommy let's go cheer her up."  I felt whoever  held me start walking away  and I just held onto them. But I don't think it was Tommy cause they had a much colder body temperature and I assumed it was ranboo.

"Where are you guys going?" I heard Philza ask.

"Where gonna go cheer y/n up we will be back. I doubt she want to see the person who reminded her of that prick from her world." I heard Tommy spit out

Philza pov

Even I understood what Tommy was trying to get along and they pasted us with more unspoken words and when I saw the look on technos face I knew he understood too. "Phil... I reminded her of him... god I must've scared her  so badly... " I put a hand on his shoulder.

"She'll forgive you in time but what set you off?"

"I think I was jealous... and the voices didn't help... it's just why doesn't she want to hang out with tommy we already had plans... yet she just tossed me aside to hang out with him."  I heard him say quietly.

"I never wanted to hurt her I was so scared to move on from the basics in training cuase I was scared I would hurt her! Philza I messed up I messed up so badly and now she's gonna be scared of me!"

I sighed "let's get you inside before you decide that your world is over... how long have you felt this way about her techno?"

As he walked I saw him look down. "Since she woke up the second time after Seth... and it's so annoying Phil! I don't understand it I just want to be around her at all times and protect her from all danger. But when I see her having so much fun with other people it makes me feel bad."

I shook my head "techno your a simp and you don't even know it... you like her techno it's called a crush."

"I have a crush on her?"

Y/n pov.
After a while I had shifted to
See where we were going And sure enough I was in Ranboo's arms and he held he rather easily. "Thanks guys for getting me out of there... I don't think I could've faced him after that " I said quietly.

Tommy smiled " ah it's no biggie y/n! You would've done the same for us!"

I heard a hum of approval from Ranboo as he gently set me on the ground  I walked besides the two males. Before I just stopped and looked at both of them.

"Something wrong?" Ranboo asked.

"Why are both of you so tall! I feel tiny next to both of you!" I complained as I saw both of them smile.

And sure enough it didn't take long for them to look at me again. "Nah y/n your just tiny."

I puffed my cheeks out. And  saw a big rocks and climbed onto it and then looked down at the two males  or at least that was what I would like to say it was more I was taller then Tommy and eye level with ranboo.

"See I feel like this is how tall I should be." I said with a smile.

"Really you wanna be this tall?" Ranboo asked.

"Yep as tall as you!... aren't you like part enderman?"


"Does that means you can do enderman stuff?"

I saw his eyes light up "yeah Wanna see something cool?!"

"Uh yes!"

I saw Tommy roll his eyes playfully as ranboo walked over to a grass block. And picked it up... the whole thing.

"You just... you know if that had a flower on it should would be a cool trick to show your crush-" I saw him blush up a little and I smiled.

"Oh Ranboo don't tel me you have someone in mind." I teased.

"I mean... I don't think he feels the same..."

"Oh my god you do! Ok listen I need to approve of this guy before anything ok?" I took note on how he said he and made sure not to say girl.

He smiled and nodded putting the dirt down.
A/n make sure  you click the ⭐️ below and feel free to check out my other books hope you enjoy!

Love y'all~

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