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Longer chapter!!!!

Y/n pov.
He looked like an enderman... at least half way. He also has a tail and rather pointy ears which honestly seemed pretty normal for this world.

"Here let me help you..." he reached his hand down and grabbed mine. As he helped me up I couldn't help but notice how gentle he was.

I noticed a few things he moved very slowly and was very easy to trace. "Y/n right? Are you ok?"

I nodded my head "here let me help you... you slept for a long time your muscles in your legs aren't up to being used yet.

"Your ok being helped aren't you?" I nodded my head again and sure enough he helped me all the way to the kitchen. Where techno was cooking and Philza was still passed out on the couch.

Dream was no where to be found and I figured he probably left to go home or something. "Outside..." I mumbled quietly and he just nodded.

He lead me outside and it took me a second to realize I was barefooted and in short as the cold snow nipped at my exposed skin. But I had noticed a few things changed... there was another house hidden and one right next to technos. There was a dog house and a bee farm. But I saw a fimilar horse and my smile grew.


"Um y/n your barefoot" Rambo said as he noticed how my feet had gone bright red in the snow but I had just pointed at Carl so he walked me over and I hugged the horses neck.

"Hey bud..." I smiled before techno opened the door.

"Y/n! Ranboo she's not dress appropriately to be out here."

I turned to look at techno who looked kinda panicked but I just lifted myself onto the horse. "Y/n don't you dare"

I looked at him I was already here and on Carl. I gave him a look and he knew what it was. "Y/n-"

I just cracked a small smile and I snapped the Reigns and I felt Carl jump out of the fencing he was in and we where off. I held onto the horse with all of my strength so I wouldn't fall off.

"Y/n!" I heard a quiet yell from behind me and Carl jumped the second fence but I couldn't help the smile on my face.

This was the most free I had felt in the longest time. It was so nice just to let loose. I rode for as long as my poor toes could take before I went to head back

I was about half way there when I saw techno on a polar bear riding towards me. It took me a second to process what I was seeing and by the time I did he was already caught up with me.

"You nerd come here your shivering." He got of the polar bear and draped his cape over me. It didn't take me long to enjoy the warmth it seems to radiate.

He picked me up off of the horse and I looked at him puzzled. "I'm moving you to Steve he's a giant fluffy warm blooded creature. It gone be warmer then Carl in armor." He set me down on Steve as he called him and sat behind me.

"If you know how to steer a polar bear feel free" he said sarcastically.

I turned to look at him and I gave him a loot and I saw the cocky grin on him falter "hey I was just joking-" i took the reigns and took them off the polar bear techno watched me confused.

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