Dont leave me.

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Jinx pov.
I took the time to free the group and I took a step back "I can't promise you much time with the kiddo shes barely holding on. I'm not sure if she'll be able to make it even with what I did."

Everyone looked at me confused and I rolled my eyes "listen up brat. I'm gonna give you control again but if you die I'm gonna be more then mad at you. "

"Wait what did you do?" The guy y/n called Philza stopped me.

"I pulled some strings she second life was lost in a way that didn't even show that she lost it so I snagged that souls before it shattered and cracked and hid it in the spirit world I gave her that heart.  But it's shattered and a very faint red.  And since I broke the rules I'll disappear she won't have access to my Powers or to Me but know she died for you all of you treats her like a queen."

I turned to the one I hated the most "Technoblade" I hissed out. "I will come back from the grave and do what I did to Seth to you
If you don't treat her better then Dream XD himself  got it? " I saw him nod.

"Don't worry about it I have all intentions to treat her that way."

"And since she did die there was only so much I could save I would've had to do It as soon as the text went out but I Was a little slow so Be Warned somethings might change." And with that I gave control back over

Y/n pov.

I was brought to that screen again as I looked at all three of my black shattered hearts but then Jinx joined me. "You gave me permission anything else you want me to do?"

"I care care what you do just save my friends... you could keep control if you want but please..."  she stopped me and put the faint red heartiness the middle spot and it shattered slightly.

"If you go crazy it will shatter. And after I broke the rules I won't be able to fix it"

I nodded as jinx took over and pain filled my whole body.

Everything blacked out at that point when I came too again pain filled my whole
Body.  And I instinctively curled up on myself. As I cried out. "Jinx why does it hurt so much!" I cried out.

But when I got no reply "jinx stop joking around just tell me!"

"Y/n..." that want her voice

I was crying everything hurt so badly. It felt like I was going to fall apart but it was starting to fade.

I felt someone pick me Up and I struggled everything was blurry  and I could barely make out the silhouettes of a few people.

"Y/n it's me it's techno calm down..." it took me a couple tries to focus my eyes but once I didn't I could make out the male. "Hey are you ok?"

"Jinx... she's not talking to me..."'I said quietly. And they looked at each other before techno

"Jinx had to leave... like forever y/n in order to save you..."

Techno set me on my feet gently and I was attacked into a hug by tubbo.  "Thank you!" He said seriously. "You-you the fireworks I-"

I gave the small boy head pats. "Hey... what're friends for... but I do have one more question..." I said seriously.

"How come Ranboo is the only one who looks normal. Well not his eyes but everything else it fine." They all Looked at me Confused

"What do you mean y/n?"

"You guys are all colorless... you know black and white?"

Everyone looked at me. "You must've gone colorblind but that's ok...let's just get home...
All of us could use a break I think." Techno said quietly.

Sure enough we all left the place and made our way back home. We all just went to technos house because no one really wanted to be alone tonight.

Me and techno where in my room. Philza was in Tommy was in technos and Ranboo laid on the couch and tubbo just laid on Ranboo.

The next couple days were rough I was still a bit shaken up and anything that sounded like firework practically turned me into a paranoid mess. But soon enough everything started to go back to normal and I talked techno into visiting Dream with me.

Dream was more then happy to see I was alive but upset that I could no longer see color.

After that it took a couple years but eventually me and techno got engaged and then married which was a whole thing. Philza was a mess  cause I asked him to walk me down the isle

Tommy was pouty that another one of his best friends were being stolen. Puffy niki and were my brides maid and I left a spot open for Jinx at all times... I know techno said she was gone for good but I... I just wanted to play it safe.
Dream and techno every schemed and broke dream out for the wedding (wedding dress is pic above)

After that life was just pretty normal me and techno lives as... happily ever after as we could. But it was slighty more difficult due to the fact of just who we were. We were not a normal family but it was ok with us. We each had our problems and we were prefect but hey we tried to be the best we could for each other.

It's been years now. And techno was leading me somewhere. "Techno where are we going)" I laughed a little.

"You will find out."  He said back.

"Oh come on it's late what could we possibly be doing?" He stoped and undid the blindfold and I found myself at the tree where we first kissed.  The lights where all on and there where other people here. Ghostbur was playing music.

Techno bowed playfully at me. "May I have this dance?"

I laughed and took his hand as he started to lead me in a dance. As we danced my  dress would sweep against the ground and fireflies would take off into the sky surrounding us. The music complemented the dance perfectly and techno smiled as I laughed a little.

Techno gently spun me before he brought me back to him I hadn't noticed the music had stopped and ghostbur had left. "Y/n you just as beautiful as the first time I brought you out here" he said playfully.

"Yeah? You look just as nice as well. And a lot less annoying" I giggled.

He rolled his eyes before he just leaned down and kissed me.

Yep... everything was pretty good.

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