Care to dance?

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A/n. Hey guys! I hope you've been enjoying daily updates but I have a question are the pictures in the media showing up for the chapters that call for it? My account does a weird thing where it doesn't always show up. So let me know and if not I'll address the problem! Thank you! Enjoy the chapter!!! ❤️❤️❤️

Y/n pov.
"I wanna start ok?" He nodded.

"I'm going to be honest with you techno. I'm not helpless. I've spent the whole last year getting stronger and working off my ability to fight and survive I don't need you protecting me all the time and I don't need you treating me like a little kid."

I took another breath "but at the same time you scare me... I'm scared to know what you
Actually think of me... I'm scared to know why that day you said the thing you had said to me... I could stop thinking about it for the longest time.. why hand thou just left me out there to freeze... why you where always willing to help me... I was never sure if it was pity or if you just-"

"That what you think of me?" I didn't even realize I was looking down until he had gently put his hand on my cheek and guided my head up to make eye contact with him.

"Y/n ive never thought you were helpless or in need of pity... I saw you fight today and I know your more then capable to protect and handle yourself that day I said things I didn't mean I just I was jealous and mad and I'm so sorry..." he looked at me and I could tell he was telling the truth.

"I've always known how strong you are even before I saw you out there today I had seen you go through so much yet you just kept bouncing back... the reason I was so protective over you was I just never wanted you to go through any of those hardships again..."  he said seriously. "And it doesn't help that the voices all feel the same I know I can be overbearing and crazy sometimes but I've never meant to hurt you in anyway I promise."

I looked up at him. "The voices? What are they saying right now?"

I saw him blush a little but he cleared his throat. "A lot of them are along the lines of how pretty you are..."

I felt my own blush erupt. "Oh... thanks..."

I watched as techno took a step back and held his hand out. "Um... can-can I have this dance..."

I new in that moment why Tommy was so persistent about the dance yesterday... 'those jerks 100% set this up' I rolled my eyes but looked at techno "be warned ive been told that people should wear iron boots when dancing with me." I said

Sure enough I took technos hand and he lead me in a dance I stumbled my way through it all and surprisingly techno really knew how to dance and was much better then Tommy at helping me along.

We danced through several songs but when the fourth one came to an end it was like all the tension between us had once again melted away. I was looking up at the stars when I finally noticed techno was staring right at me and seemed to be thinking.

"Whatcha thinking about techno."

"Can I kiss you?" I was stunned at how easy he had said that but as soon as he had processed his own words I saw his face go bright red. "I um... I mean... only if you want to- and there's no pressure... you can say no I won't be mad I just I-"

"Sure." I blurted out.

He looked at me the blushed still on his face as he walked up to me and put a hand on my cheek. I hadn't it noticed it before but techno had been without his mask this whole time. I closed my eyes as he leaned in and our lips made contact.

When we pulled away I couldn't stop the blush that was now at this point stretched all the way to my ears "here let me fix that braid for you!" I changed the subject rather fast as I made techno sir down in-front of me and I started to briad his hair and out of pure boredom and to see if he would noticed I may of braided flowers into it as well. I would use my powers to grow the flowers form the earth so They would be Just right

After that I just leaned again the tree and looked at the stars ans before I knew it I had fallen asleep.

Techno pov.

When I woke up in the morning I got up and stretched before I turned around to look at y/n but to my horror something was wrong. Her body was on it's transformed state and vines, roots and flowers had grown around her body. She was still sleeping soundly. And I noticed the grey start to creep past her elbows and knees which it had never done that before and the vines and roots grew more and spread around her.

I saw a crow and I ran over to it "you bird go get Philza!" I saw the bird take off "tell him to bring an axe!" I yelled right after it took off. As I ran back over to y/n and started to try to remove everything from her but it kept
Growing back at such a fast rage I couldn't keep up.

Soon enough Philza had landed besides me "Phil you gotta help me!"

"What the hell happened techno?!"

"I don't know Phil I woke up and she was transformed and Thai was happening and the Grey is spreading farther then we thought it could!" With philzas help I was able to pick up y/n and the veins all stopped growing and she woke up.

"Techno? Philza..." she yawned "it's morning already? Why do I feel so tired still..."

She shifted just a little before she was out again. I just looked at Philza this girl really couldn't go a day without getting herself into some trouble. "If she was transforming them she was using energy... and with the vines and all that I'd say it's safe to assume it's connected with that too which means she was using her energy all night techno just... let's get her home so she can sleep." Philza said

We started to walk when I noticed him keep looking over at me. "What's up Phil?"

"Your hair, did you do that?" I looked at him

"No? Y/n did why?"

I saw him smile and he looked away "oh... it just looked nicer then normal is all." I narrowed my eyes at him not believing him.

"I braiding flowers into it..." I heard a quiet mumble from y/n " it's pretty..." she mumbled out again
A/n make sure you click the ⭐️ below and feel free to check out my other books hope you enjoy!

Love y'all~

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