Working with Bbh

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Y/n pov.

A couple weeks went by and I would meet up with bbh. He would plant vines and I would make them spread. At first I would ask everyday when he would tell me about Seth but as time went on it just... it seemed to slip my mind.

We'd work at night since I didn't want to be caught and he didn't want anyone to destroy it right away. And then we would go back to the egg and hang out he always seemed very keen on keeping me close to the egg for the first week.

I guess that's when I started to forget about Seth and just enjoyed helping the egg... jinx hadn't talked to me but I didn't care. Who needed that pushy jerk.

Tonight was no different I helped bad spread the vines before we walked back to the egg. Or should I said he walked back I was sitting on his shoulders. I'm his words I walked too slow. But he just had a huge stride so I complained that he was just too fast which ended up in him doing this.

"Bad I can walk!"

"Nah you said I was too fast." He said in a matter of factly.

I just sighed and looked up at the stars. "Hey bad?"

"Hmm?" He hummed calmly. 

"I... is this right?"

"What?" He asked confused.

"I mean... something feels off you know? I'm
Just... I guess I'm just worried what if we are doing the wrong thing you know?"

"You just nervous because techno and Philza don't like the egg. But they just see it as a type of government in a way but it's really just a group. Don't let them dictate the way you think."

I smiled and nodded "yeah your right..." we got the the egg and bad told me to stay here something about him having something for me.

I was sitting down and leaning against the egg. When bbh came back holding an outfit. "Look!" He said his demon tail wagging.

It was a black crop top with a built in mask and hood and black shorts that had a long skirt built into the back (pic above)  "it's really pretty bad."

"You should go put it on! Pretty please! Me and a couple others picked it out for ya!" I just smiled at his childish begging and grabbed the outfit.

"Alright I'll try it on but I'm going over there and if ya peak imma beat ya."

"Alright!" I saw him turn around and I went to the far corner of the room and changed into the outfit. I found it actually very comfortable and I felt good In the outfit. I made my way back over to bad.

"Alright you can look now."

He turned and I saw stars in his eyes "oh my god you look perfect! Your officially in now you even look the part!" He tail was wagging back and fourth and he was radiating innocent energy which was honestly rather comforting. That was before we heard footsteps and talking.

We both froze and stared at the door. When bbh picked me up. "Listen you hide behind the egg." He set me on top of it and I laid and slide down just a little so I was barely visible but I could still what was happening

Techno pov.
Me and Philza walked down the weird place. "Phil I don't like this... it seems pretty sketch to me."

"I know mate but with how fast the vines are growing now in the night and with y/n disappearing... it really points to her being here tech..."

We got to where we could see the egg and badboyhalo stood there and I could barely make out another person. "Hey bad we are looking for y/n have you seen her? Be honest and we won't go for your egg."

Bbh just stood there with his smile on his face. " I don't know I can't seem to recall but I think I did see her at one point..." he started.

"Listen I can clearly see her eyes no one else here has eyes like that." I cut in.

Causing Philza to roll his eyes "oh course you'd think that about your girlfriend-" I elbowed him in the side just enough get him to shut up.

We watched as she climbed up and stood on the top of the egg. "It's ok bad, I don't really care if they know."

I looked at her... it was off her whole personality was off in a way. "Yeah no this isn't right. Phil you see it too?" I spoke aloud hoping to get her to snap out of it.

"Yeah I see it mate. That's not our y/n... guess we gotta destroy that egg."  I watched Philza pull out a sword. And I pulled out obsidian, if we couldn't break it we'd block it's control.

I saw badboyhalo smile "y/n get ready why don't you show our guests this lovely trick you've gotten so good at?"

Y/n nodded and I watched as her limbs stared to go grey and vines Raise into the air  before they shot towards me and Philza

"Sorry boys but out newest member here is quite the strong fighter and your on her home turf." I watched as Philza flew up it to eh air and I pulled out my axe and started to cut at anything that got to close.

"Y/n what are you doing here?! We need you home!" I yelled but I watched as a small vine was wrapped around her ankel... it wasn't there before... which meant it had just happened.

I saw her eyes go a bit foggy. "Sorry techno but... but maybe this is my home." He looked down as if she wasn't sure what she was saying herself.

"Your being manipulated! That stupid egg is controlling you mate! Just let us help ya!" Philza yelled.

She shook her head "no I feel like you guys are the one doing the manipulation!" She spat out. "This isn't even a form of government yet your so against it! Tell me what's so wrong with a group of people coming together for a common interest."

Bbh was just standing beside the egg and next to y/n a smile on his face as he watched the scene unfold. "Did you hear that? You have no business here."
A/n make sure  you click the ⭐️ below and feel free to check out my other books hope you enjoy!

Love y'all~

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