An old friend.

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Y/n pov.

I followed Dream for a while until we came out to the middle of no where. I looked around as I examined the route we had taken to get here so I could remember how to get back.

"Hey dream where are we going extacly?" I asked him curiously.

"Look y/n I'm sorry I really am..."

I looked at him confused being put on edge a little bit at his sudden apology. "For what... exactly?"

He looked down at the ground and I couldn't help but not like where this was going.

"When we last spoke I pushed you to
Say something you weren't comfortable with... it's been eating at me for the longest time and I wanted to apologize to you but by the time I sent Tommy off to go find you he said he couldn't and you disappeared."

I felt my nervousness die down. He was so worried about nothing... "Dream it's ok! I promise I hold no hard feelings towards you."

He smiled "good then I hope you can forgive me for this too."

"What-" he splashed a potion on me and my vision went black "Dream I can't see-" and before I knew it I felt him shove me. But I never felt the ground... I was free falling he shoved me down some sort of pit!

Panic filled my body but when my body came into contact with something boucy and I bounced a few times before I rested only to get picked up again I struggled to fight back but I couldn't see what I was fighting so I had been easily overwhelmed.

When what I assume was a potion of blindness wore off I found myself on a bed  in a cell. 'Spawn point set'
"What the hell dream!" I yelled only to see him appear on the other side of the bars along with someone else.

I felt my body begin to shake as I pushed myself towards the back of the cell as fast as I could.

"My my! Isn't it so nice to have three lives in this world! Isn't that right my dear Y/n?"

"Se-seth... how y-you said..."

He smiled a smile that made him look insane. "I said it would kill this body too but since this body has three lives I lived y/n~"

"Seth why does she look so scared of you-"

"Dream you where there! You saw him do it!"

"Don't blame him y/n he only saw me being techno into your world he didn't see how techno tortured you and harmed you in the other world and how techno made you hate yourself~ Dream thinks he's saving you from techno." His words rang in my head.

"Dream Your an idiot Seth is the bad guy not techno! Techno helped save me! Seth is the one who put me in danger and tortured me!" Tears started to spill from my eyes as fear and panic filled me in quantities I couldn't handle without breaking down.

My breathing picked up why could I get air into my lungs it feels like I can't breath-

"Oh don't force yourself into a panic attack love~" I saw him pull out a sword and I watched in horror as he started a fight with Dream and killed him.

"Now that no one else can bother us, I'm gonna have to punish you for what you did to my real body won't I~ you know how the saying goes don't you Y/n?"

I saw him pull out a cross bow loaded with fireworks "AN EYE FOR AN EYE!"

I back up to the corner as he shot it I felt a burning pain in my stomach as a bunch of colors filled my vision before I heard a second one my eyes Closed as pain filled my whole body  and three red hearts appeared infront of me and I watched as one shattered and turned black when I came to again it my body had a huge circular scar on the middle of my stomach. I looked around and found myself alone in the room.

I curled up against a corner and pulled my knees to my chest and rested my forehead on my knees.

Technoblade pov.

You could always see when someone lost one of their lives in the bottom left corner of your vision. So when I saw the messahe I felt my stomach tie im knots instantly.

'Y/n was blown up with a firework launcher.'

"Phil!" I yelled and found Philza I. The living room just as shocked as I was. "We need to find her now!"

Tommyinnit pov.

I was hanging out with Ranboo and tubbo when the massage came across our Vision. I growled I saw Ranboo going through the weapons chest and tubbo had physically paled. After all one of his lives was taken the same way.

"You two get ready! Tommy you better have that compass still we are going to find her and we are going to kill whoever hurt her."

We followed the compass down the prime path when we came across techno and Philza both covered in gear head to toe running around as well. "If your after y/n your going the wrong way! I have a compass to her just follow me!" I yelled as we took off we finally got to a spot way off into the woods the compass pointed to a giant hole in the ground that seemed to have no bottom at least none we could see.

Philza stepped up. "I'll fly down and investigate-"

He was cut off by screaming.

"I hate you! Stay the hell away from me! Try to get close to me one more time I fucking dare you douche!" We all knew that voice but it was shaky and filled a fear and hate none of us had heard before but techno had paled.

"I know that tone of voice..." he jumped down without hesitation

"Techno! Philza go catch him!" I yelled as Philza followed

The cave echoed "there's slime blocks down here just jump!"

We all followed suit and found a cave system. We all ran into it and soon found it was a hidden base and more arguing could be heard. A males voice a few of us knew.

"I don't have to get close to kill you or have you already forgotten how much you like fireworks already!"

"Try me! I dare you! Kill me I'll just go back to my other life and I've been living quiet happily there. Your just a cowardly douche who won't even fight me like a man grow a pair already Seth!"

"That's it!" A loud boom was heard and the whole tunnel shook.

Everyone took off and when he found Seth techno wasted no time in running a sword through him. "You guys wait for y/n to respond I'm going to search this place find where he reapsons and take his last life!" We watched as techno took off
A/n make sure you click the ⭐️ below and feel free to check out my other books hope you enjoy!

Love y'all~

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