The egg.

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Y/n pov.
I left my room and found Philza "I'm going to l'manberg to go take a walk and maybe pick on some people I'll be back. "

"Alright." He said calmly.

I left the house  and made my way to the city.  When I got there I found puffy looking annoyed "puffy you good?" I asked calmly.

"Those stupid red vines have grown over my house!"

"Oh... I'm sorry... wait I might be able to help!"

'Here she goes again.'

I followed her to her house and I saw the vines covering it. I walked up to a vine and looked at it.

'Wait kiddo don't do it that's not a normal-'

I put my hands on the main vine that all of the other littles one grew from and pushed my magic through it. The same voices as before filled my head. But I wasn't the same as before... no I was stronger I ignored the voices and focused on what I was doing. I stopped when I headed cheering.

"Y/n! You life saver! Howd you do that?"

"I guess I just have a talent..." I smiled

I looked at the house that was now not covered and smiled before I went to get up I felt something tug on my Arms. Two vines had grown around they both hold me there. "Puffy...." I said unsure.

"I got ya dear." She started to walk over here.

'go to badboyhalo he'll lead you to me. I'll lead you to Seth.' My eyes widened at the voices changing to now bribing me.

Suddenly I saw a sword slice through the vines and I brushed them off of me. "You good you look like you saw a ghost..." puffy asked.

"Yeah... it just yelled at me something bout badboyhalo? I think... creepy vines."

"Oh bbh... he was a sweet fellow then the egg that creatures these vines took over his mind... poor fellow I think he half way agreed for that other boy skeppy..."

"Wait agreed?"

"Yeah dear it's kinda like a cult with the egg being their god... bbh got too deep he's practically the cult leader." I nodded and waved before I left off.

I thought about it... "no I will head straight home I don't even know what he looks like so there's no point. I was at the nether portal when I heard a new voice call me name.

"Wa-wait!" A demon looking giant ran up and "it must be you! Your y/n the girl who two souls crushed into one!"


'He must be able to see me good I can stop hiding in your body.' I felt a weird chill go through my spine as a black smoky figure much taller appeared besides me.

"I assume you must be that eggs servant?" Jinx growled out a physical voice

"At your acquaintance the name is badboyhalo~"

I felt my eyebrow twitch "fuck fuck fuck!" I growled out.


"No I wasn't supposed to run into you! Fuck! Damnit just- take me to the stupid egg." I growled out.

"Language again!" He sighed "look I'll take you to the egg but no more cursing." He said leaning down to make eye contact with me.

"Whatever..." I grumbled as he lead me and minx to the egg

"Look at it Y/n! It's it beautiful?!" He said almost a little too happy for my liking but as I got closer I did feel something in me start to stir.

Anger. I walked past him and made it to the egg. "How is a oversized breakfast egg gonna lead me to Seth." I growled out.

Bbh smiled and put a hand on my shoulder. "I know where Seth is, but you have to join us before I tell you anything... the egg told me something quite interesting. It said you could expand its growth by tenfold. Y/n be honest if that true?"

"Actually yes it is true she can tap into my power to grow stuff at a fast rate." Jinx said calmly. "But we won't be taking your deal. I'm the one voice she needs in her head to tell her how stupid and sucky she is." Jinx growled.

I felt bbh pull me backwards and I felt myself step on something and voices fill my head.

'Why listen to her? I think your very useful, no I need you. Your essential, important,powerful. Why let a bossy spirit boss you around'

"I'm not stupid or sucky..." I said unsure looking at jinx. "You don't get to make my choices."

Her head whipped around to look at me. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize she didn't speak for the both of you." Bbh escalated the situation

"Your right you worse then that your a weak minded helpless wannabe." Jinx growled.

'Why would you listen to her? Why does she get to boss you around it's your body. It's your choice'

"I-it's my choice! I'm the owner of this body! Your just stupid spirit that tagged along!" I growled back.

"And what about Technoblade and Philza? Ranboo tommy and tubbo? Or even puffy who you just helped with this? Your that selfish to push them all away for your goal?"

'She's wrong, once you do this you'll heal, you'll be better... perfect.'

"Shut up! You don't know anything minx! It's my choice and I choose to join bbh and the egg!" I yelled I looked at Jinx who just disappeared I assume she just went back into hiding.

I felt bbh pull me to his side and he smiled at me. "Welcome and let me formally make you a part of eggtopia."

I just smiled "what do I have to do?"

"You are very special y/n you can do what us can in the fraction of the time. You focus on spreading those vines and marking it stronger."

I nodded already starting to think about how I would do this. "I won't let you down..." I said calmly and went to walk away.

"Oh one more thing, us who like to help the egg tend to wear monotone colors oh an including red so whenever you go out to start spreading think about what you wanna wear."

I just nodded not believing a word he said there and left the place
A/n make sure  you click the ⭐️ below and feel free to check out my other books hope you enjoy!

Love y'all~

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