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Y/n pov.
After me and Dream did our chias for the day it was off to the next thing. I looked towards him and sighed. "Now I owe you one... what were you needing help with earlier?"

"I want you to meet my other friend His name is tommy and he's currently in Exile I like to pick on him."

I looked at him seriously. "That's messed up... not gonna lie Dream... i don't do the whole torturing people and making them feel bad... it um... it's not my type of chaos you know?"

I noticed the understanding look in his eyes and I felt a lot better. "Yeah I guess I get it so I won't pick on him this time but I do want you to meet him. So I followed him under I saw the 18 year old ish boy and my heart shattered and something in me snapped...

He looked like he was a hollow shell of who he was and overall pretty badly. I had rushed over to him and Dream looked confused.

"Tommy this is Y/n I told her about your situation-"

"Oh my god my poor child are you ok?! Has Dream done anything stupid for me to beat him up? Who did this to you. Dream take back everything I said im about to go Murder someone." I said hugging the child in a protective manner even though he was definitely taller.

"I um.... hello?"

I pulled away and made eye contact with the smoke bean. "Hello. I'm y/n and you must be tommy."

"I... I I'm.... yeah I'm tommy... Dream do you want me to put my items in-"

I saw Dream rather quickly cut tommy off. "Yeah! Put your stuff in the chest, don't worry I'll make sure nothing happens to it!"

Y/n finally freed the boy and saw a little bit of a sparkle in his eyes now. "Dreams my friend there's no reason to hurt him."

"Can I be your friend too?" I asked and he smiled

"Yeah! We can be friends!"

And suddenly I was picked up and set on his shoulders. "Ha take that dream I do have more then one friend!" Tommy said laughing

I laughed along with him. "Yeah I'm stealing tommy charge!" I yelled out and Tommy took off after making sure he had hold of my legs. So I wouldn't fall off.

A few weeks went by and me and Dream grew closer to the point I called him my brother. He hadn't let me see Tommy since that day... he seemed unpleased that we had hit it off so well. I was sitting in the house when techno was acting weird as he held a letter.

"Y/n I need you to hide." He said seriously As he pushed me towards my room.

"Techno what's wrong?!" But I heard more voices and techno closed and locked me inside the room before he left.

I banged on the door. "Techno! Techno blade I swear to god! When I get out of this room I will beat you up!" I started to panic as I heard other muddied voices and I heard techno scream something about blood.

I froze and instantly went over to the window and climbed to the roof I stayed low to it and watched as he was taken captive.

I snuck back into the house I didn't bother with armor but I slung my bow over my shoulder and my quiver of arrows of harming on my other as I followed behind the group before I branched off.

"Dream! Dream I need your help!" I told him the situation and we made our
Plan we made it to the place and when I heard they were going to execute techno my body moved before I could process it. I jumped down from the roof bow draw a and released an arrow just barely missing tubbo. I watched it slice his cheek.

I hadn't even noticed the way my arms where black from my hands to my elbow and my feet to my knees as well. I had a glared at tubbo as I spat out the next words "d*mn I missed... I was aiming for the center of your ugly face. Probably should've shot when I wasn't falling." I growled out devilishly.

"Who's this?!"

"It's the girl from before but she looks different."

"Y/n?" I heard technoblade say quietly.

"If anyone hurts him I'm killing everyone here" I growled out as I started my attack. "Or how about I just put on the show now!"

Everyone was panicked and even techno was cheering me on at this point.

"Y/n! What are you doing?!"

My body froze at that voice as Seth appeared with a smile on his face "st-stay away..." I hissed out.

He didn't he walked right but to me and poked my arm right where he had shoved a needle in me about a month ago. "Are you gonna make me?"

I took a step back but he tripped me and had me pinned down within seconds and a pure panic filled my body. "Get off of me! I didn't break your rules!! Get off!!! Leave me alone. I didn't tel-" he slapped a hand over my mouth in the middle of my panic attack.

"Oh that look is very nice on you," his smiled turned sadistic as everything started to get foggy "I'll see you back in our world looks like I gotta teach ya another lesson."

Technoblade pov.

I couldn't help but notice the pure fear Y/n had written on her face"get off of her" I yelled not thinking too much about it I heard another person all out for her and to my distaste I watched as Dream swooped down and practically beat The other male to a pulp before scooping up Y/n. The placed was chaos but as the anvil got closer I pulled out my totem and survived the attack.

I left and found Dream with both Carl and y/n I took off towards him.
A/n make sure you click the ⭐️ below and feel free to check out my other books hope you enjoy!

Love y'all~

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