Finally Peaceful

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Y/n pov.
I woke up to the sound of a quiet growling "what's wrong Wolfe?" I asked tiredly. As I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

"They don't like us being here" I heard philzas voice ring Out and I looked and saw both him and techno.

"Oh their ok... they mean none of us harm..." I went to get up but my feet stumbled and I face planted into the snow.

I heard muffled footsteps and someone picked me up. "Where's that idiot Dream why didn't he help you get back?" Techno sounded annoyed.

"He tried to pry into things I didn't want him too and I got annoyed and practically told him to get lost..." I said sheepishly. "Thought I could use a walk."

He just looked at me and held my bridal style. "Well your walks over."

He walked away and as he walked past Philza I gave Philza the help me look.

Philza sighed "hey mate she needs to start walking again set her on her own feet and just help her along."

I heard techno grumble but he did as Philza as said though he had one of his arms wrapped around my waist and he took most of the weight off of me. And helped me walk along besides him.

"Hey um techno..." he looked down at Me. "Remind me that I owe you one of my lives."

He looked at me shocked "where the hell did this come from?"

"In the other world... my world I killed your body there... I'm sorry... I just didn't want Seth to be able to bring you back and hurt you."

He looked at me once again shock still written on his face. "Alright then what I want you to do with that life is never lose it got it? That's what I want with it... just, stay alive here."

I nodded and it didn't take us long to get back to home. He helped me up to my room, "hey... im going to wake you up before even the sun rises and we are going to get you all strong again... and I'll tech you how to hold a weapon better ok? So you can protect yourself even if your in the other world ok?"

I smiled at him and laughed a little "of course I wanna learn how to kick butt but yeah let's get me walking first."

And sure enough after two weeks I was up and running around even better then before to the point I was beating everyone else who hung out at this house in races. And sure enough I had just beaten the blood god himself "hell yeah! Take that one techno!"

He came in not long after me and a smile on his face "I think your finally ready to learn how to protect yourself better."

To my excitement I smiled "finally! I'm gonna Learn how to kick your butt techno! What do we start with? Axes, swords, bows?"

"Nope none of that."

I smiled "oh! Shield using, fishing poles potions?"

He just looked at me again and shook his head no. "That's all hard stuff to learn without basics we start with hand to hand and simple self defense."

I blinked a couple of times. "That's useless... I already know how to defend myself"

He raised an eyebrow. "Fine I won't attack back if you can restrain me I'll teach you whatever you want first."

I cracked my knuckles and smiled before I charged at techno and sure enough... even with him just blocking I got my butt handed to me.

"You ready to learn?"

I was on the ground after he had literally tripped me. "I guess..." I pouted.

"Ok now that I see how you attempted to fight I can confidently say you suck."

I heard that and my ears drooped a little. "Geez thanks..."

"Ok first! Your stance sucks and your uneven which causes your balance to be off which means your reaction time will be slowed because anytime you need to shift or change directions your not in the position to due so without slowing or stumbling which can be deadly in a fight."

I nodded and stood up. He walked over to me and put his hand on my hips and I felt my face warm up at the closeness. "First you got to sturdy yourself better." I felt his foot tap against mine. "Spread you legs apart enough to be in line with your shoulders. So you can be able to move in any direction fast while staying balanced enough to take a hit without falling."

I moved so i was where he wanted me. "Good next bring your arms up."

I did as he told and walked infront of me. "This is wrong too see how you have your arms at the same length at your chest? Bring one up a little to defend your head as well."

He stepped back as I did and seemed to be satisfied. " ok good that looks right..." he seemed to look past my shoulder and behind me.

I turned to look only to see a water balloon hurdling towards me. Sure enough I was fast enough to drop down to one knee my other leg shot out to the side to give me more balance along with my hand out on the ground infront of me to help catch myself. And completely dodged the water balloon

"What the hell!?"

"At least you trust your instincts enough to be able to dodge that." Techno smiled and helped me up. "Thanks ranboo!"

"Sorry y/n!" I heard ranboo yell before he walked off.

I looked at techno unimpressed. As he did that but sure enough our training continued on for days on end and I got better with hype positions and stances and transitions. Thanks to technos very interesting way of teaching me.

It hadn't taken me long to catch on to always be aware of my surroundings at all times cause traing never seemed to end whenever he said it did... I found myself having stuff thrown at me and random things techno had set up all the time even at night which took some time to make myself sleep light enough so he couldn't catch me off guard.

For the first time in a long time I felt strong.
A/n make sure  you click the ⭐️ below and feel free to check out my other books hope you enjoy!

Love y'all~

Blood God. (Technoblade X reader.)Where stories live. Discover now